Link of the Day [12.14.13]

Tried my hand again on Arroz Caldo, chicken rice porridge. I used the chicken stock recipe as the basis for the soup. Although I extended it by using one more clove of garlic, a couple of dashes of patis, some pepper corn, and small pinch of dried red pepper flakes. It came out slightly more garlicky than I wanted, but other than that its pretty rich.

I simmered it overnight in my slow cooker. I couldn’t get 3 quarts into my small slow cooker, but I ended up with close to 2 full quarts of stock. I used 1 quart in the Arroz Caldo before adding in another 2-3 cups of water into the mix. Let the Arroz Caldo cook for about an hour before serving with a garnish of fried garlic and patis.

Link of the Day [11.13.13]

I was browsing the bookstore the other day when I decided to slow foot it to work and came across the Ivan Ramen recipe book. I bought it immediately. Then I read it. It was 2 books in one: an autobiography of the eponymous Ivan and how he came to be a ramen chef in Japan, and a recipe for his ramen, the one he serves in his ramen-ya. There are some other recipes in the book, but there is only one ramen recipe in it! It takes up a better part of the book, but there is only one recipe for ramen — Ivan Ramen!

Ivan breaks his ramen down into the parts, and he gives a recipe for making that one ingredient. He also gives you a recipe for the ramen noodles! If you make his ramen completely, damn, your hardcore!

Link of the Day [7.03.13]


The more I think about our nation. The more I come to believe in Gettysburg. The Union won. The Confederates lost. One hundred fifty years later, we are still fighting that fight. States rights versus the Federal government. Whites versus blacks. Brother versus brother.

It’s still going on. We have lots to make up for. We haven’t solved anything.

Still. Gettysburg.

It’s awe inspiring. This is where our nation clung to the hope of being one nation. It is where the hubris of the southern gentlemen died. It is where the north held the field and brought the nation back together and from being rent asunder in is a small town in Pennsylvania. Lovely. Complicated. Hallowed ground.

Link of the Day [7.01.13]

Why’d I put a link of the day that doesn’t resolve to anything of use? It’s a farewell to a faithful old friend. It’s perhaps the only software I use on a daily basis. More so than Twitter, because I don’t really tweet from work. I do read RSS and it was Google Reader. Now, it’s gone, and it’s time to find something new. Sayanora good buddy. May the bit bucket treat you well.

Link of the Day [6.30.13]

Last day to be reading RSS feeds on Google Reader. I will sorely miss it. Not sure what will replace it for me. I’ve seen Feedly. I haven’t seen today’s link’s subject of the story, Digg Reader. I may try it out, but being lazy I may end up struggling for the next week. Where will I read my news now?