Link of the Day [1.09.13]

I’m glad to hear that JRR Tolkien was striving to make The Silmarillion his masterpiece. Unfortunately, his death derailed that dream, but his son, Christopher, fulfilled it. But now Tolkien is remembered as the dude who wrote the stories for Peter Jackson’s films. At least his son knows what the real deal is.

Link of the Day [12.28.12]

J.R.R. Tolkien was a genius. Not for creating the history of Middle Earth. But for creating the languages of the people of Middle Earth.

Today’s link brings you to a thorough study of all the languages Tolkien devised. All of them. Once you see what he did, you’ll understand why he created Middle Earth. He needed to hear his languages. He had to create a place for their use. Elves and men, dwarves and orcs, hobbits and ents all had their own tongue. Tolkien created one for each of them. All of them different, and yet some of them the same.
