Link of the Day [11.16.12]
I've been spending lots of time on the command line. I've just learned about sed. My life is awesome, but, really, it sucks if I find sed fun.
Link of the Day — Just click on it and you’ll be satisfied
I've been spending lots of time on the command line. I've just learned about sed. My life is awesome, but, really, it sucks if I find sed fun.
I love the stuff, but no one makes it anymore.
Eat some stuffing.
Cooking to commence soon. For now, though, I’m just gonna think about all kinds of noodle soups. Ramen. Soba. Udon. Phô. It’s all there and chicken noodle as well.
Perhaps now I will buy that damn creuset cookware.
This is a great list of movies!
Some for kids. Some for adults. Some for horror fans. Some for non-horror fans. It's got it all.
Time to crank up the scare factor and check out a few of these.
Those guys suck.
I can’t believe that people actually vote for those f*cks.
All you need to know is that those f*cks have only one idea, the same idea they’ve been pedaling on the US populace for the last 30 years. And look where it has got us. Not very far from President Fucktards problems. Those f*cks suck and you suck if you vote for them.
Let’s go ghost hunting.
What’s that under the bed? Is there a strange shadow by the window? I think the bed shows a clear depression in the shape of a woman. Can it be the White Lady of Ordsall Hall?
It’s all in your imagination. There’s nothing there. Not like there’s anything downstairs at this moment.
What’s that?
I’ll go investigate…
Let’s go ghost hunting.
Do you see anything? Is there something creeping around the basement hall? Is there a shadow in the corner of the children’s room? Or is the grey lady roaming the research room?
I don’t see anything in the pictures. I don’t think there is anything there.
But I think there may be something upstairs in the house. Let me check…
Under the guise of reviewing the latest Paranormal Activity, Zach Baron bravely expresses his fear at watching horror movies. Whenever he watches a horror film, he inevitably flinches at the cat that jumps out of the closet, because thousands of years of evolution made him. He hides behind his hands, squirms in his chair, and squeals in fear at the frights on screen. And then he blames the movies for making him do this.
I can sympathize. I hate how horror movies make me squirm and hide under my hat. Yet, I can't get enough of it.
I think I want to catch the latest Paranormal Activity just to feel the chills on my arm.
Except I'll watch it in the daylight.
Hopefully, with a full theatre.
Link of the Day [9.20.12]
Kind of missed Talk Like a Pirate Day. “Arrgh. We’re slowly losing again.” Ba-bump-bump.
Wait. You don’t get it? Pittsburgh Pirates? Hello. Baseball. Look it up.
Anyway, I thought this night’s link was pretty genius in describing how your Baltimore Orioles have ended up scratching and clawing out a slim perch on the wild card slot. If this is close to the truth, then Buck Showalter should be President.
Link of the Day [9.13.12]
I need to move the prior blog posts moving. Yet, I don’t have anything to say. I could go on and on and on about the magical season the Baltimore Orioles are in the midst of, but just go watch ’em is all I want to say. I could complain about work, but I’m done there for now.
Who knows? Not me. I have nothing to say.
Here’s a link of the day.
Hmmmm. Yummo. Maybe I should start cooking again for blog fodder…