Link of the Day [5.25.12]
I believe it’s a free stream. Now. Start watching!
Link of the Day — Just click on it and you’ll be satisfied
I believe it’s a free stream. Now. Start watching!
This one’s for my good friend, Akeshia, who’s been reminding me of fun times at the U. We watched a few movies together when we were undergrads. Perhaps, my belief that Start Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is the best of all Star Treks stems from catching it with her on a packed opening night at the AMC in South Miami. No not the one across the street, the other cinema!
This has got to be awesome! Hotdogs are awesome! Let's open up a competing chain with Filipino sausages!
We need more Orioles fans.
Camden Yards celebrating its 20th anniversary, and on most nights, she's only a third full. Come on, Baltimore, show you're support!
Today's link takes you to a crazy Orioles fanatic who wants every Wednesday to be Orange Wednesday. I'll join her, you should, too. That's a lot of Wednesdays. Maybe she should've tried every other Wednesday of the season whenever the Orioles are home.
Watching Ozu on a rainy Sunday evening, and I end up looking up the wikipedia entry for Late Spring which leads me to today’s link.
It’s a link to a compilation of lists that add up to the 1000 best pictures of all time.
There’s a lot to digest in a list like this. Did they leave any out? Are there any out of order? Are there any out of place? I’m sure we all have our own biases. Does this list exhibit any?
What’s your take?
Also, Ozu’s Late Spring comes in at 207, but his Tokyo Story is high up there at 11.
Save 35mm film! That's what some people want.Bullocks to old technology! Embrace digital! That's what others want.In the end though, it's another rear guard battle in the transformation to the post-digital age. Someone's going to get hurt.
Where’s BrowserMetrics? I had 4 seats and brought along the brother, sister-in-law and nephew.
Find us!
I keep visiting online umbrella shops looking for a nice one. Most likely, I’ve already posted a link about umbrellas. Today’s link has some real cool umbrellas for a somewhat expensive yet decent price: expensive because an umbrella costing over a hundred dollars is ridiculous and decent because there are even more expensive ones out there. These are relatively good. I’m hoping that they are. I may buy one.
Why do I want an umbrella?
Bring on the rain!
A classic of the left side political spectrum today's link makes everything alright because you too can get a pony.
Is that how the show began? I knew that Jeff was after Britta, but didn't know that the Study Group started as a means to get with her. I started watching at the episode wherein they show Annie enrolled in Greendale to follow Troy.Anyhow, Community is back tonight. You can bet that I'll be there. Or at least time shifted on my DVR or downloaded tomorrow from iTunes or watching next week on Hulu.