Link of the Day [1.11.12]

Now if I had a movie theatre, I would give these guys a call. Dayyumm! Look at those posters. If they don’t make you want to catch at least one Ghibli film, then you must be a zombie. I would happily watch Kiki’s Delivery Service, Spirited Away, or My Neighbor Totoro on the big screen. I would be giddy with pleasure.

Link of the Day [1.04.12]

The new year brought some terrible news on the US anime front. Bandai, a US anime and manga publisher, had halted production on new anime and manga for the US market. They would still sell out the last of their inventory, but they would not be bringing anything new to the US from Japan. This may mean the end to legal access to kami-sama, Haruhi, anime if and when Kyoto Animation decides to produce the next season. It most certainly means that season two of K-ON! won't be coming out from them, and means that the K-ON! movie may never reach the shores of America legally. I am sad. After reading today's link, a review of the K-ON! movie, I so want to watch it. Maybe, some other US distributor would snap up the rights to this franchise and deliver for us Mugi-Mio-Yui-Azu-Ristsu fans a sweet Christmas present next year.

Link of the Day [12.19.11]

A day later and my ramen tasted better. I don't know if it was because it had a chance to sit overnight or if it was because it wasn't straight out hot from the stove, but it tasted better. More balance to the broth even though it still tasted of mostly of seaweed. Anyhow, I went and looked up some recipes for ramen broth and found an interesting one that was meat based. This is a most interesting concept. I don't have to stick to dashi as the main source of my broth. Perhaps, a mixture? A little bit of dashi, then a little bit of beef stock. Maybe, that is the way to the true ramen broth. I guess I'm gonna have to think about my ramen some more.

Link of the Day [12.14.11]

I don't think of myself as a reader of Science Fiction. I consider myself a reader of stories first and foremost. If the book happens to be Science Fiction, then I am reading Science Fiction. I read Science Fiction. I read Science Fiction. You should, too. Get thee to the Science Fiction Encyclopedia and pick out something; an author, a book, a theme, something to read and read it.

Link of the Day [12.13.11]

Not on FaceBook and it doesn't even matter.Yeah, I miss lots of things. And probably even miss meeting that girl or some other girl from the past, but does it matter?Anti-social much? Maybe. It's most likely because I maintain this blog that I don't do FaceBook. I like writing here and don't want my blog to die if I spend tons of time writing over there. But I do wish to connect with old friends…

Link of the Day [12.08.11]

It’s rather late in the day for a Link of the Day, but here’s one for you.

If your late to the latest internet meme, you can always check out “Know Your Meme” to catch up. Read up. Catch up. Forget about it. Get ready for the next one.