Link of the Day [12.06.11]
HTC Bionic Plus E XT Prime. Acer Devour Neo. Samsung Liquid Plus V Plus 3D.
Are these real? They could be, and they could be coming out in 2012!
Link of the Day — Just click on it and you’ll be satisfied
HTC Bionic Plus E XT Prime. Acer Devour Neo. Samsung Liquid Plus V Plus 3D.
Are these real? They could be, and they could be coming out in 2012!
Looking at that title of this post and am amazed that we're fast approaching the end of the year!This one's for the 99% and the 1%. For #OWS and the TeaTard Party. For Republicans and Democrats. For libertarians. Especially for those tards.The US needs more revenue. The rich have the majority of the money. It makes perfect sense. Especially, if it broadens the middle class, who are the ones that make the economy work. Consumers pump money into the economy that make the producers produce more and hire more workers who get more wages who purchase more products. It's not the producers producing more that will make consumers buy products. If the consumer has no money, they aren't buying too much and producer's production is meaningless.I may be ignorant about economics, but I know if you give people money, the majority will spend it. Cash in. Jobs out.
As the nights start getting colder (the days stay very warm) and the dark settles in earlier, the winter Oscar season heats up. I haven't watched to many of the contenders: I still haven't seen The Tree of Life. Yet, I been following the Oscar race on Grantland. Grantland is a website writing about sports, but they also have other writers writing about pop culture. I've been reading the Oscarmetrics column with devotion trying to figure out what to watch and to handicap for the Oscar Pool.It also helps me to figure out what to watch. Let's checkout what's playing at the Charles.
Followed a link from Kottke this morning to Susan Kare’s website. She was the original designer of many of the visual interface icons on the original Macintosh. Now I want a few prints of her classic icons. The Happy Mac. The Sad Mac. The Bomb. The Dogcow. What should I choose? Or should I let you choose for Secret Santa.
Saving up. I would get it right this moment, but it hasn't been released yet. And I would've gotten it on release, but I'm still deciding on Christmas presents and season tickets. Still. This is on the want list. Beyond wishes. I want one. Like yesterday.
One thing about the internet, it brings you closer to strangers while still being a stranger. I often like looking at creative people’s blogs. It makes for interesting reads at how they do what they do. When do they find the time to blog?
For respect of Community and to acknowledge that being put on the back may mean cancellation, here’s Dan Harmon’s tumblr. Maybe sometime this week he’ll tell us how he feels about that.
Binaries! Get your binaries here!
I think better in octal. Happy 3F day!
And for all you regular humans, it’s 63!
Yeah! It still lingers on the Desktop, but maybe, just maybe we'll see the end of it.Good bye, don't let the doorknob hit you on the way out!
Do no evil? Do know evil.
Android shoots itself in the foot.
One of the things that I wonder for all those Android fanbois is if they consider OS fragmentation a good thing for non-fanbois. I mean your all elite and shit, but what about your mom. Is the many versions of Android OS worth it for you average person? They don’t care right until they buy an app (or download a free one) that doesn’t work on their phone because it only works for a particular version.
And developers, can they really write apps that take advantage of things if you don’t know what the hardware is going to be?
We were discussing flashlight apps in work today and a co-worker showed us one on his phone. Someone asked if it supported flashing, strobing, or signaling. He said yeah and proceeded to show us. While it was flashing out an SOS, it also was beeping. Another co-worker asked why do you need it to beep. He then tried to turn it off, but the app was unresponsive. He made an excuse for it. I didn’t say anything, but I wondered how can you live like that.
Eventually, Google will understand. They’ll figure it out the they have to be more than an ad salesman in the tech world.