“Rupert Murdoch laughed at me so hard, I thought my speakerphone would burst into flames.”

Link of the Day [9.04.11]

Apple was down in the dumps in the early 00s that in 2001, I remember their stock at $12. This is even after Apple came back with the bondi blue iMac. The company was working, but they were still getting worked. Now look at them. A juggernaut. This is what Steve Jobs left behind.


“How was I supposed to know that there was an actual person out there called Joe Vigilante?!”

Link of the Day [9.01.11]

I’ve been doing this since 2004. I only do it one month a year. I’ve got about 200 entries. I can’t believe I’m doing it again!

Here we are the start of NewsRadio Quote Month, and I’d like to share the Link of the Day with you of a blog purported to have NewsRadio quotes. It’s got ’em, but only a months worth. For one year. Back in 2008. They did a flurry of posts, but afterwards, nada. If they had continued it, they would have surely surpassed my output by 2009.

A for effort. F for execution.


Link of the Day [8.30.11]

In my Google Reader (the only google app I truly use day-to-day), I’ve got the political feeds set up to be the first thing launched. Basically, I use Reader to read political blogs. I get most of my political information from blogs, because our news industry is broken. They are not newsmen but entertainers. There is no more reporting but entertainment. You wonder why we’re stupid. It starts with our press. We’ve given up on informing. We’d rather entertain. It’s become trivial and this makes the world susceptible to assfucks such as Palin, Bachman, the GOP and the Tea Party. It leads us to fucktard presidents. When we are uninformed, we make these bad decisions. Of course, sometimes people are just plain stupid.


Link of the Day [8.30.11]

Aw, geez. As if my wallet needed to be sucked clean some more, I’ve found me a nendoroid blog. Keep up with the latest nendo or so what’s coming in the future with today’s Link of the Day. They even show you ones that you couldn’t get. It’s like Pokemon — gotta catch ’em all!


Link of the Day [8.04.11]

I'm by no means a partial observer here. You could call me an Apple fan boy and I wouldn't deny it. They've proved to be one of the best run companies for the last 40 years and this is with the lost 90s. They were knocked flat on their backs by Microsoft and Windows95, but picked themselves off the mat, swung back hard, and eventually became the juggernaut they are today. They have spent the last decade doing everything right. When I read attacks upon Apple, I know the sour grapes that they come from: (in best whiny voice) "Apple suxs! Macs suxs! Iphones sucks! {Insert platform of choice} rulez!" Apple's kicked butt, usually of the platform the person likes. It's difficult to embrace Apple as towers over all other computer companies in hardware, software, and the public's mindshare.Yet, they aren't the only big dog on the block. Google is another 1,000 lb gorilla, and it's flexing its muscles. They leverage their search engine dominance (and online advertising dominance) into the Android operating system. They sell ads that so happen to need a platform like the web or Android OS to deliver. They're not above whining about Apple. They've got into a shouting match over the set of Nortel patents.Just because you lose out on them doesn't mean you should whine about it. Whining about "bogus" patents that Apple and Microsoft out bid Google for is sour grapes.The funny thing is patents especially the software kind suck. They're beginning to stifle software development in the mobile arena. Google could've been in the forefront of campaigning for patent reform with their "Do No Evil" slogan, but you can't be for wanting patents and against them at the same time. You're head will asplode with the hypocrisy.But for real, we need to reform our patent system. Our leading "Do No Evil" company, Google, would be the ideal candidate to advocate reform. But whining about losing out on a patent bid, doesn't help the cause for patent reform.http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/when-patents-attack-android.html

Link of the Day [7.29.11]

I would've loved to have worked at NFL Films.They had a unique way of telling the story of a football game. Be it a regular season grinder in week 8, the pressure cooker of a playoff game, or the grand dame, the Super Bowl, NFL Films would build a great narrative making the game legendary. They had the knack of crafting the ebb and flow of the game into a great story. I could imagine working there and turning sport into art.Unfortunately, it seems their days are numbered. With the advent of the NFL Network, the powers that be want to destroy the best that they got. NFL Network is slowly suffocating NFL Films with its ESPN style format converting the beautiful into the hyperactive. They're wrong to do this.