Link of the Day [7.26.11]

I think I’ve decided on which size cycling shoe to keep. I’m gonna go with the slightly bigger one, the 42.5. I came to this decision after reading about how shoes should fit. Most sites were specific to men’s dress shoes. Today’s Link of the Day is cycling specific.

The main reason why I chose the larger size is because the tightness worries me. They may be snug, but fifty miles into a ride, they’ll be tight. I don’t want that. My feet don’t want that. Hopefully, this is the best choice.

The 42.5s fit decent. No tightness anywhere just a snug fit. The toe box is where I felt the tightness in the smaller size. My toes felt as if they were touching the front of the shoe. Also, around my forefoot was slightly tight. With the larger size, tightened down I feel snug in the shoe: not tight, but not loose. These feel good. Let’s ride.

Now about my Oakleys.

Link of the Day [7.21.11]

I did purchase Lion last night and currently in the middle of the download. Actually, I’m nowhere near the middle as my pocky, slow-ass DSL will take a few days to pull in the full 3+ GB file. That’s one strike against it. Only when the US internet speeds are decent will digital downloads be awesome.

Anyhow, if it’s a new version of OS X, then it’s time for the Ars Technica data dump/review. If you played around with Lion, read it and see if it matches your experience. If you haven’t, read it and see if it gets you to upgrade.

Now back to my download…. {I’ll see you in a couple of days…}

Link of the Day [6.27.11]

Jim Emerson blogs about the warning affixed to a movie theatre's screening of Terence Malick's "The Tree of Life." It's not like the MPAA's warnings of violence and sex, but a warning that the film is arty. It may be too arty for some folks. I figure that if you are making the choice to watch "The Tree of Life" then you already know what you're getting into. It's Malick. You should know by now his M.O. His movies are what they are.That being said, I wish there was a warning for Bad Teacher. To wit: "Warning: Watching Bad Teacher has been known to cause cancer in lab rats."