Link of the Day [6.08.11]

We are all going to IPv6 sooner or later. Today, they are starting to roll out the changes. If you didn't notice anything wrong with the internet, then all is well. You should test out if you're ISP is ready. Or is this only for ISPs?

Link of the Day [6.07.11]

Yesterday, I asked a question about Twitter/iOS integration. Today's link gives an idea of what it was all about. Again, will this mean more followers, especially, those who use facebook? Or will Apple in the next release include facebook? Currently, glad that my only true social network persona resides on Twitter thus Apple's plans validate my choice. I wonder why facebook didn't join in or if they were even asked.

Link of the Day [05.17.11]

Software patents. They seem to be handed out like candy. They can be used like a nuclear bomb.As a software developer, I approach the idea of software patents cautiously. I wonder if they are a good or bad idea. My gut feeling is that they are a bad idea — stifling innovation, mainly. In-app upgrades?! Sometimes they seemingly obvious in their implementation that you believe a monkey could've come up with that. One-click shopping?! Software patents are around because the patent office is lazy. They can't be bothered to find a prior implementation of most pending patent submittals.Software is fuzzy. Patents on it seem to be too general to be of value. The patent system needs to be fixed.

Link of the Day [5.06.11]

Loved reading today’s link about issues with text editors for OS X.

I did recently take a look at TextMate and found it striking that it was released some time ago. I am surprised to see that it hasn’t been updated for a while.

As a software engineer, I live by the text editor. I did like BBEdit, but I can’t stand the small font it uses. I am an emacs kind of guy (the ctrl-k, ctrl-v comes from there! Try it in OS X as an alternative to open-apple-X, open-apple-C) so I am looking for something along the same lines. But no vi. No to vi.

It turns out I really like TextPad on Windows. Like it better than any text editor I’ve used. It’s because I know how to use it. Wish I can find one for OS X. I think I’ve done this post before.