Link of the Day [4.11.11]

Did movie going go out of fashion? Is it no longer social? Or has it changed into something else?

We watch lots of movies, but no longer together. What does that do for our common experience?

Imagine watching Star Wars for the first time as a downloaded iTunes file. Would it be as awesome? Would it be mind blowing? Would you watch it all the way through mesmerized? Or would you have it playing in the background as you facebook your friends? Could you feel the anticipation of getting back in line at the theatre to see it again? Or would you rather press play again?

Link of the Day [3.25.11]

If you've been reading my blog for a while now, you've read about my disdain for vampires, their stories and movies. I can't stand 'em, and their appeal frustrates me at times like wish fulfillment people looking for a fantasy life. Give me science fiction or sword and sorcery for my fantasy life not something from the horror genre.Still, there's one vampire tale that I like a whole lot: Stephen King's Salems Lot. The night I read it I had to stay up until dawn because I was too scared to put it down and turn the lights off. The Glick kids could've started scratching at my window if I did. Even to this day, it is the one vampire story I can say I like. Most likely, this affection results from the novel's heroes are the vampire hunters. It sides with those who are vanquishing the scourge that are the vampires of the story like eradicating a virus. Kill all vampires!Today's like is a nice roundtable read about the CBS miniseries explaining how it fits into the vampire story pantheon. I watched the miniseries as a youngster and I can tell you how frightening it was. Only later when I read the book did I feel the terror of it all.

Quote and Link of the Day [3.04.11]

"There was a time before the iPod too, when companies like HP, Samsung, and even Microsoft fought against Apple for the hearts and minds of the consumer — but I'll be damned if anyone can remember it."This piece I feel was written 3 years too late, and in hindsight, it's actually 10 years. I've felt that ever since iPhone, Apple has been dominating the consumer consciousness, but it was pretty much since the iPod. Every year, they set the bar in personal computing. They ignore what others are doing because after a bit, what others are doing is copying Apple. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way."Apple is the leader.The "iPod killer," the "iPhone killer," and the "iPad killer" are all followers.Microsoft is so confused it doesn't even know if it's still playing the same game.Every evolutionary step for Apple is a revolutionary step for the computing industry. We're just along for the ride.