Link of the Day [1.22.11]

As of this moment, I was reading my archives trying to gauge how well I wrote. I also followed a few links from these old posts just to see if they were still linking to something and if their owners were active. Unfortunately, I find out #!usr/bin/girl has stopped writing since 2009. She’s probably switched platforms and URL. On her front page, we find today’s link.

It goes to some dude giving tips to taking pictures of cute, small, plastic figures. Hey, I do that, too! All his tips are valid, but I think I’ve already discovered them out on my own using trial and error.

I’m posting this link though to remind my readers that my hobby collecting nendoroids and anime figures is not as weird as you think. There are other peopled doing the same. Other people who are not crazy otaku.

At least this link gives me the motivation to make my shots of nendoroids better. I wish the dude had some tips on setting up a model shoot indoors. What lighting to use. What backdrops to use. I want to stage a photo shoot of each of my nendoroids and make them look awesome. Trial and error may work.

Link of the Day [1.20.11]

Oh, you’re still here? I thought that you would be off following the music break video and surfing the related YouTube videos spending the hours upon hours lost in the world of anime song covers.

You didn’t? Well, good.

Let me send you on another journey into the land of the rising sun. This one is another excursion into its music scene. I wonder if this is J-POP or J-Rock? Who knows but since I wanted to see K-ON! videos. Here’s a real live all school girl band. Well, they’re not school girls anymore. They’re rockers! (In school girl outfits!! Yes!)

Link of the Day [1.19.11]

They should bring back the form factor of the original 7-11 Big Gulp cups, the short squat ones that looked like a mini-bucket. If they go for making it taller as the graphic suggests, then it may look like a less daunting drink. Plus, I didn't know our stomachs were so small. I guess that's why with the 24 oz soda bottles I feel full afterwards.Drink better coffee not more.

Link of the Day [1.16.11]

I saw nice preview of this on wherein the Dude walks into the little Lebowski shop in New York. Imagine the hilarity! So I went to program my DVR to record it but unfortunately the local PBS station on DirectTV seemed to not have it on at all. Luckily for us, it was on public television who always has it available on their website.

Go check it out. The Dude Abides.

Link of the Day [1.14.11]

A voyage back to yesteryear, Stephen Hyden goes back to his record collection in search of his youth, and as wee young lass growing up in America, liking music, and grasping for sounds that explain himself, he finds it in the alternative music of the 90s. Alt.90s if you will. From Nirvana through Alice In Chains he looks over the bands that made that era.

The funny thing is even if I had 10 years on him this was also the music I listened to as well. It was my pop music and reinforced who and what I was during that time. I spent the last hour reading all the way through to 1996, the latest article. It reminds me of good times.

Link of the Day [1.12.11]

Ran across this insightful critique of Inception and Christopher Nolan late one night as I visited movie critics on the web. Although I did give Inception a good rating, I completely regret it the more and more I think about it. This revision comes from my dislike of Nolan as a director. I remember sitting through Inception wondering why does it have to be so talkative, which for much of the film it was. I think the action in the final third plus the dream concept overrode my initial dislike. I have seen my ways, but today's link puts up ideas that help codify my revision of Inception.

Link of the Day [1.11.11]

Speaking from the belly of the beast. The more we spend on this shit. The more we can't spend on any other shit. Our representatives know it. Our president knows it. I doubt that the country does. When talk of tightening our belts is bandied about by those in the know, they never acknowledge this reality: we can only make bombs.I think I need to crawl out from under the belly. It makes me wholly depressed.

Link of the Day [1.10.11]

Today’s link would probably blocked at work so don’t even bother clicking it while there. And that’s why I’m having it posted late at night after family hour. Keep your kids from clicking through.

Vote for Playboy’s playmate of the year. It doesn’t matter which one (they all look the same) just vote. Vote early and vote often. Just vote. Democracy needs you.

Then again, when was the last time you thought about Playboy. It’s getting to be a joke in this day and age. That old man, Hugh Hefner, getting engaged to woman a quarter his age. I’m jealous and sickened at the same time. I mean it has to be just about the money, because no matter how charming Hugh Hefner can be to find a soul mate with that age difference has to be helped along by the millions he’s got in his bank account.

Anyhow, you need to link to some softcore porn once in awhile. And you should vote for Miss February. (NSFW)