Link of the Day [1.09.10]

It goes to show you cool the Panasonic Lumix LX3 and its successors LX5, GF1 has been. It’s body mimicking a classic Leica body has brought many a photographer over. Now it seems its got some competition. Let’s see how well the Fuji camera does. I can’t wait to hear the reviews.

Link of the Day [1.07.11]

Weird facebook thoughts about about not going public and just playing with their own money. No idea if this is the right thing to do. It’s the ruthless thing to do: make money hand over fist outside of the scrutiny the regulators. It’s with Goldman Sachs who themselves don’t have too much of a good thing.

I don’t know where this is going. Just read the link. I just need a link to keep the streak alive. Seven days baby!

Link of the Day [1.06.11]

I don't actually cook but to put coconut milk into adobo can't be right. As the article states, there are a million and a half different recipes for adobo, the Philippine's national dish. One for each island in the archipelago and two for each person living there. Even I, who doesn't cook, probably have a version of adobo that I would make: less sauce, beef, like my mom makes.What's your recipe?

Link of the Day [12.24.10]

Christmas Eve and if you don’t have that Christmas spirit then “Bah, humbug!” I’m home wrapping presents and doing last minute online shopping. It’s past midnight on the other side of the world, so it’s the 25th and Santa should be visiting those boys and girls of non-christian countries.

Stay safe this Christmas Eve.

Link of the Day [12.15.10]

I entitle interesting links I find while surfing the web, "Links of the Day," because it makes it easier to email links. If I came up with a clever title for each link of the day or as a regular post, then I would have to be able to log into blogger and use their posting functions. Sadly, when at IniTech, I am blocked from social networking sites, so I can't use blogger from work. And that app I bought for iPhone is good, but typing on iPhone is tedious.Today's link takes you to a maid café in Tokyo. It's a detailed description of the shenanigans that occur as a guest in a maid café. I laughed at some of this, and I cried at some of this. A great point was made that the clients are also being exploited for their need of love and affection. She pointed out that visiting a café is akin to visiting a strip club, but where the latter feeds off your sex drive, a maid café taps into your need for flirty, kawaii (cute) affection. Now would I visit a maid café if I ever went to Japan? I do sometimes crave some kawaii affection, but like going into a strip club here, I don't think I would enter one. It's just not my cup of tea. I'd be too embarrassed to admit my need for kawaii affection, and the need to spend money on it. Although, I just did.Anyway, the writer's experience fascinates and scares me. I always wondered what goes down in a maid café. Finding out what happens is the scary part. Does it make me want to go or to stay away?

Link of the Day [12.10.10]

I occasionally link to Jason Thompson's manga work at Anime News Network, because he writes articles that go over the history of manga, which I love reading. Today's link is Thompson's article on Battle Angel Alita.Alita was one of the first manga I read. I still have the early print editions of the VIZ comics, which I collected in the 90s. Along with Shirow Masamune's Appleseed, Alita was my early introduction to manga and it's weird to think that I have been reading manga for this long. Back then, manga were 30 page issues of a comic book bought at the comic store and not a hundred page volume of a soft cover graphic novel bought at Barnes and Noble. A comic is a comic, and manga is a comic. I still read lots of comics, but I buy them at Barnes and Noble.Looking over my early manga reading I find that I was into sci-fi worlds. Now, I'm into shojo, moe girls, but still find myself reading sci-fi manga. Pluto, Saturn Apartments, 7 Billion Needles are all on my reading list and they are sci-fi. I can't get enough moe girls, but it seems I can't get enough sci-fi. Thanks, manga!Battle Angel Alita is still ongoing! I hear that it isn't that great and Thompson says so to an extent. I still have my long boxes of comics from the 90s. I should dig up those VIZ comics issues from back then. I can't remember where I stopped reading. Maybe, I should dig up the volumes of the books on Amazon….