Link of the Day [11.02.10]

While Filipinos don't celebrate the Day of the Dead like they do in Mexico, we still commemorate our dearly departed on the 2nd of November. We stop by the cemetery and remember our departed loved ones.I completely forgot. Here's to hoping one of us made it to the cemetery to put a remembrance on our departed loved ones' graves.

Link of the Day [10.19.10]

It was a very pretty thing to watch. Cliff Lee taking it to the dangerous Yankee hitters and completely neutering them. He struck out every one he faced at least once, and he struck out a few a couple of times. Cliff Lee made them look ridiculous.Texas is now up 2-1 and seemingly in control. Yet, don't count out those damn Yankees. Texas has to rely on 3 starting pitchers who are not Cliff Lee to keep those Yankee bats at bay. At least, for one magical night, those bats were silent like the Yankee fans who filed out of Yankee stadium early.Here's to baseball in October.

Link of the Day [10.13.10]

Are these guys the new Alton Brown? I mean they are mixing cooking with science just like Brown used to do for his show, Good Eats. Ahh, Good Eats. Love that show back when the Cooking Network had actual cooks cooking food. What's it become? A game show network? Phoo. Look at Alton Brown, he's, o right, a game show host now. Dang nabbit, Food Network, bring back more cooks.

Link of the Day [10.07.10]

Yes. It is very personal. It is part of who I am, and who I am is a sucker. It is a large part of my identity — wrapped around me like a Patagonia better sweater. I have to peel it away, and let myself understand that it isn't me. It is my job. Now if I can only get over the fear of looking for a new job. Or being jobless. Or the new day. Or the new place. Or the new people. Or the interviews.Once again, Peter Gibbons will describe me in a succinct, brilliant quote: "I'm gonna end up doing it, because, uh… because I'm a big pussy, which is why I work at Initech to begin with."

“Aren’t you wondering why I came in through the window?” “Right now, my curiosity is taking a back seat to my sanity these days.”

Link of the Day [9.29.10]Usually the link of the day comes before the quote of the day, but I wasn't into having a link of the day until after I thought some more about the ending to the K-ON!! anime. I haven't seen it yet (the fansub group I've been following hasn't uploaded the torrent as of this morning), but the usual anime recap site, which I'm linking you to today, has as always a great, image filled narrative of the highlights of the story. It's come to this that I get more joy out of this one anime than anything currently going in my life, and it has ended. As all endings are it's bittersweet. I'm glad I watched it and can't wait until the DVDs are available in the States. I remember K-ON's first season and thinking that it was nothing special. Not until this season did it hit me how completely awesome the show is. It's an animated Seinfeld: a whole bunch of nothing, but charming and sweet. Now it's over and I'll have to find some other show to torrent.

“What’s the story with your face, son?” “Oh, yeah, this is something I grew out during vacation, well, you know, to make myself look sexier.”

Link of the Day [9.24.10]My buddy, Wyman, is on a world tour to wherever JetBlue flies. He's doing the All You Can Jet promotion flying everywhere and anywhere in 30 days. Sounds like fun to pack up and just go without any destination in mind. He's blogging some of his trip in today's link. Makes me want to just go.

“I still have the sweater my mother knitted for me when I was a baby.” “That’s sweet.” “And I’m wearing it right now.”

Link of the Day [9.11.10]

As you know, I play the guitar. Or rather “play” the guitar — I’m rather bad at it and have no rhythm whatsoever. Still, I love to play it and can’t wait to get another one. In the meantime, I usually try to play songs I like from bands I like. Rolling Stones. Alice in Chains. The Doors. Their songs are simple and playable from guitar tabs found on the net. That’s why I like them.

But there are lots of songs I would love to play, but their tabs are hard to find or nonexistent. Let’s get software to figure it out for us. Here’s a nice Mac program that can help you do just that. I want to try it really bad, but I have to much stuff to do. Perhaps, you can?