“He’s so good. Hard to believe he was fired from 37 different stations.” “Don’t ask, don’t tell.” “Are you saying he was a gay Marine?”

Link of the Day [9.24.21]

Was it really thirty years ago that these albums came out? Yes. Supposedly this was the best release days ever. Others can make the claim. I don’t know. All I know is that I remember the day well.

I was still in university at the U. I was especially waiting for the new Tribe album. I went to a music store called Coconuts. On the radio was playing “Smells like Teen Spirit.” I could not find the Tribe album. It was all sold out. I would get it sometime later, but not that day.

Since this was so long ago, I may be misremembering it all and this happened on a different day.


Link of the Day [5.11.21]

Well, it seems like every few months we’ll put another Nogizaka46 item up. Today is no different. Link to a special site for their upcoming, 27th Single 「ごめんねFingers crossed」(Gomen ne Fingers Crossed).

While I am not too happy with the lineup — the center is Endou Sakura, it still looks to be a great music video. Hopefully, it will be a narrative type. Maybe it is Nogi’s fast & furious version!
