Links of the Day [5.18.10]

Read Joe Posnanski. He's a sports writer for Sports Illustrated, but his blog and his Twitter account contain great observations about baseball and sports. His beat is the Kansas City Royals. They are viewed as a worst franchise than the Baltimore Orioles which is hard to believe. The two teams are the bottom teams of the American League and are always at the bottom in all of baseball. Last year, the Royals had it worst. This year it's the Orioles. Both are going nowhere fast. Last night they played a game which four people came to the Yard to witness. Sadly, the Orioles being the worst team in all baseball lost again.Whenever Joe Posnanski writes about the Royals, I read it as applying to the Orioles. You just need to change the names of the players, but the losing ways are the same. Can't hit. Can't pitch. Can't catch. Can't throw. The story's the same for both teams. It's always amusing. Bad baseball is the same all over.

Link of the Day [5.08.10]

When I first started reading manga, I stuck to safe shonen stuff, usually ecchi. I stayed away from shojo (girls) manga, because the sparkly screen tone and the big eyed girls and handsome men scared me. Eventually, though, I had to pick up a shojo series. Once I did I found that it wasn’t so bad. Those sparkly screen tones weren’t so bad. Not all the series I read featured them, and when they showed up, sparkles! The big eyed girls not so scary either. But still the handsome men (or boys), they still are aloof and mean, but important.

I like shojo. It’s another genre to explore. There are good stories found in it. I hope you read some too.

Shonen. Now there’s something that’s become scary.

Link of the Day [4.26.10]

When my nephew was born, for his first Christmas I was thinking of getting him some Apple stock. I remember the run up to that December 25th. Apple (APPL) was mired in the low teens. I could hardly believe it. So when I found out that (at the time) you could purchase a single share, I thought it would've made a great present. But I talked myself out of it because why would a baby need stock in Apple?Now look at it here. I kept telling myself to buy APPL but never did. Who knew you could become a millionaire betting on APPL? It still keeps going up and up!Today's link is blocked at work. I hope this is correct.

Link of the Day [4.15.10]

Dear kami-sama,Please come to the east coast and let us witness your splendour. Or on the other hand, I'll go visit cousin Bob in the HI just to watch a movie.Thanks to kami-sama,
Oh, snap! The english dub of Haruhi Suzumiya no Shoshitsu coming to the United States. You can watch it legitimately in SF and in Hawaii when it comes out this summer. I can't wait. Sweet, Nagato! Sweet, Asahina-san! Sweet, Suzumiya-sama! This is some good news.

Link of the Day [2.26.10]

Did you know that Akira Kurosawa would’ve been 100 years old this year if he had lived? I didn’t.

The best way to celebrate is to watch one of his films. There are many to see. You could spend a month. So why don’t you?

TCM is honoring this illustrious director by showcasing his films all March. Every Tuesday evening a veratible smorgasbord of awesome is being shown. I know you have it on DVD or BluRay, but watching on TCM is great. You’ll get a running commentary before each film. You’ll do your own running commentary.

Link of the Day [2.17.10]

I haven’t seen a blog-a-thon n a while. They were all the rage a few years back. It’s when a bunch of bloggers decide to blog upon a subject for a few days. They write a blog post addressing the topic at hand, submit it to the blog-a-thon co-ordinator, and then read and comment upon all the links available. It stirs up a sense of community in the blog-o-sphere.

Today’s link is to a blog-a-thon about film preservation. Lot’s of interesting links to ponder about the loss of some of Hollywood’s past. It is also about treasuring and helping to preserve what little is out there.