Link of the Day [12.01.09]

Bob Herbert knocks one out of the park today. He knows that the US is facing tough choices. He knows that the President is facing tough choices. He knows we are facing tough choices. Sadly, he knows we like to take the easy way out.We have decided to fund our military industrial complex in order to conduct wars, wanted or unwanted. Rather than spending money to benefit our populace, we're spending money for helping other countries. We don't want to spend money helping ourselves, but we don't even want to spend money to help other countries really. We want me to keep the money.That's no way to run a country. Until we realize that spending is spending, we'll never get to being as great as we think we are.

Link of the Day [11.23.09]

I’ve lived in Baltimore all my life. Probably will die here. You’ll miss it once you’re gone. But I haven’t been everywhere or seen everything. Too much city for me. I still don’t know Baltimore. This may come in handy.

Link of the Day [11.19.09]

Because my MacBook Pro (or pretty much all my computers and iPhones) are glorified web surfing machines, this litl computer looks cool. I’m hoping it catches on in a big way so that we have a diversity of devices to choose from. You won’t really need a computer when you’ve got these other devices that do everything that you need it for.

Link of the Day [10.28.09]

I read some of the blogs linked off of Camden Chat. Normally, it's an Orioles news site such as Roch Kubato (sp?) of MSN or other Orioles blogs such as Roar from 34, but some of the time I find time to check on Orioles specific blogs. One of the early ones was Orioles Card 'O' the Day. It takes a look at past and present Orioles via baseball cards. It's a cool site that allows you to see Orioles history and to remember some of the team's players.Looking at all these baseball cards has gotten me to think about my own history of baseball card collecting. Yes, I've got baseball cards. It's what every all American male would have been doing as a kid. My brothers and my dad also contributed to this passion. My dad, especially, was keen on this hobby. He would buy us a pack or take us on to card shops and buy some older cards. He would continue to collect even when his sons out grew the hobby. We still have his boxed 1987 (year?) Topps complete collection somewhere, although, my older brother seems to be hoarding these for himself for safety (hee hee). Anyway, visiting baseball card blogs recalls my fondness for those cardboard collectibles, and in particular my passion for it during the halcyon days of 1980. It was the year I truly bought lots of cards. They were only $0.25 for a pack. I remember buying lots at a time. Of course, the Orioles of that time were the only cards I really cared about. I have a fondness for Jim Palmer because of that year as I seemed to have many multiples of his card. The Pittsburgh Pirates cards I hated, and it seemed that I had plenty of the damned Kent Tekulve. I must burn his card any chance I get.Today's link is to a baseball card blog that's going through each individual card of the 1980 Topps set. How nostalgic.

Link of the Day [10.13.09]

This blog can turn into any type of blog at a moments notice. It can seem to be about anime, manga, and 2D girls, then change on over to movie reviews. It can talk about the greatness of NewsRadio via NewsRadio Quote Month, and it can talk about the wackness that is George W. "President Fucktard" Bush. It'll dive into politics if I feel angry. It'll reminisce about past loves, lost loves, lost times, and good ol' times. It'll have thoughts about today, tomorrow, and the future. It is what I write it to be. And at this point it'll turn into a sports blog. Baseball because that's what I'm thinking about for the past several months. If you don't like, it come back in another day, and it will be about something else. Today's link will bring you to a debate about "Mr. October." In everyone's minds, it's Reggie Jackson. The way Alex Rodriguez has been on a tear, some people in New York thinks he ascended to the "Mr. Octorber" moniker. The link shows you their stats through 40+ games. They're similar and A-Rod actually has better numbers. The problem is that Reggie has been on World Series winning teams, and A-Rod has not been. But that's because of the Divisional playoff rounds. A-Rod has to go through an extra layer to make it to the World Series. Reggie Jackson didn't. A-Rod's teams had to go through tougher, meaningful games with teams hellbent on making it to the glory of the World Series. He isn't "Mr. October" because he's not played in the hotter crucible of single series elimination.But then A-Rod has played in more playoff games. His stats are loaded. The problem is that he was unable to bring home a title. That's why he's no "Mr. Ocotober." The World Series will end in November. Maybe A-Rod can be "Mr. November." Hee-hee.

Link of the Day [10.05.09]

Everyone loves Pixar. The CGI animation studio can do no wrong. Young, old, babies, kids, teenagers, adults, from the fat to the skinny, Constance to Wendy, all find something to admire about Pixar animation. Granted there are few neysayers. I, myself, find the last few Pixar films to be awkward in striking the balance of the storyline for all to enjoy. Today's link takes you to Todd VanDerWerff's introduction to The House Next Door's Pixar week. It will be a good read, and good to watch for the rest of the essay's on that great animation studio, Pixar.