“Dave, pretend is for little girls and mental patients. Sucks on pretend!”

Link of the Day [9.22.09]Hey! It's another palindrome day! Sweet.Today, I got a cool link for you. It's about a bunch of MIT students who sent a balloon up into the upper reaches of the atmosphere to do some near-space photography. Cool, hunh? What's even cooler? They did it all on a budget of $150! That's pretty cheap. Someday soon someone is going to do it really on the cheap once technology can bring it all down.http://space.1337arts.com/

Link of the Day [8.13.09]

Speaking of shelves. Here’s a link to every Mac addicts favorite cataloguing software. I bought the first version and the upgraded to the second. I also bought the iPhone app before it was removed from the store for violating stupid Amazon.com’s TOS.

Use it to keep inventory of all your books, DVDs, manga, comics, anime, etc., etc.. I like that it has shelves to display your stuff. You can use your iSight to scan in the barcode to lookup on Amazon.com the item. It does com in handy.

That iPhone app is a great looking app. The desktop version is fun too.


Link of the Day [7.31.09]

Vampires! Why does it always have to be about vampires?I can't stand them. Reading about them. Watching movies about them.
Even talking about them.Yet, here's an interesting op-ed co-written by the director, Guillermo
del Toro. He writes about the roots of the vampire. I didn't make it
to the end, before I decided to throw this up so that you can tell me of
how cool vampires are. They're no.Ghosts are my thing. The make the hair on my arms stand on end. Give
me a good ghost tale.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/31/opinion/31deltoro.html

UPDATE: More for your vampire lusting.