Link of the Day [7.12.09]
It’s been FRAKKING 25 years since he moonwalked, and people still don’t know how to do it White people suck!
(ht: kottke
Link of the Day — Just click on it and you’ll be satisfied
It’s been FRAKKING 25 years since he moonwalked, and people still don’t know how to do it White people suck!
(ht: kottke
A few weeks back, me and Marge from the FishTank went to catch Seattle at Baltimore down at the yard. We got very good seats. The best ever.
I went, because I wanted to see two future Hall of Famers, Ken Griffey, Jr. and Ichiro. Although, Griffey is no longer the kid, and he did not have a good outing, going 0 for 3 with a walk (I think), it’s still good to see the last of the great Mariners play. Then there is Ichiro. Ichiro! He’s awesome. He hit a double that looked to be a homer into deep right center. There’s no one who’s a better hitting machine than him. And he’s got a cannon for an arm. He threw a frozen rope from the corner in right field to home plate. Wow! Ichiro!
The home team lost that night, but it was a fun time.
I wore my Ichiro jersey and cheered for him whenever he was up. On the way home, Seattle fans were cheering. One of them saw my jersey. He looked at me and began to cheer again, “Mari-?” He saw my Orioles cap. “Hunh?” The look of confusion on his face was priceless. “WTF?!”
Anyway, watching Ichiro play is just about the best thing in baseball.
There’s no need to post another lotd. You’ve got three hundred and sixty-five of these. Search back through my archives and find something. I’m hoping you’ve enjoyed it as much as I have. I’m hoping you’ve at least visited one (if not all) of the links. Some were, admittedly, lame, and some were frakking awesome. If you clicked, you would’ve found out which were which.
But it’s all over now. I’m done. Something I did most every day for a year. I can tell you it was tough. Thanks for visiting.
Now I have to find something else to keep my blog going. Hmmm. I should resurrect my Saturday Evening Posts!
Thinking of all things baseball. Last night, the O’s survived at the Texas Rangers with Koji “Kojira” Uehara pitching.
It’s funny what you find in anime. Here’s another baseball centric one. It wants to capture the otaku heart as it is about some teenage girls in Japan in the early 20th century. They decide they want to play baseball, but lack the knowledge of the rules or the equipment to play.
Yeah, I didn’t get this from today’s link. I read it on wikipedia.
Right around starting to watch anime and reading manga, I started to like watching baseball. I think it was the fact that the Japanese like the game a lot, and I just naturally gravitated to liking it too. Not to mention the fact that the greatest episode of Haruhi had to be the boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya where the SOS Brigade had to win a baseball game so that the world did not collapse because of Suzumiya-sama. But I hadn’t read or watched a sports manga/anime. I did read some Prince of Tennis, and picked up in the bookstore Slam Dunk, but those aren’t my sports. What I really wanted was a baseball manga. They just don’t bring those to America, because they think that the game is no longer our national pastime.
So I read about this Cross Game anime that is new this year. And I hit the torrent sites for it. The first episode is awesome. I’m amazed by it, because it looks so simple and for a younger set, but the twists and turns of the story are very mature. It also has zero fan service and isn’t any moe.
I’m hoping you read today’s link and too decide to watch it, because I can’t wait to see how this one turns out.
Make it hypnotic on your own.
I need to move somewhere where I can ride a bike to work. Baltimore? Or some other place. I just want to ride to work.
The problem of universal health coverage is “[t]o mandate that everyone purchase health insurance, as many have suggested, would require that the government specify what constitutes adequate coverage — in other words, what health conditions an insurance policy would need to cover.”
So no need for universal health coverage, because then the government will tell us what medical coverage we can get, and we certainly don’t need the government controlling our health. And we certainly don’t need the government telling the free market on what it can cover. The free market will take care of everything.
With a free market system we can give tax breaks to people to seek their own coverage in the health insurance market, but we’ll need to adjust the market so that “state mandates that require insurers to cover certain conditions, which make it expensive to offer individual policies, could be removed.”
But that is the crux of the health insurance problem isn’t it?
Without universal coverage, insurers will decide on who to insure, and in the health insurance business you want to minimize what you spend so that you want to cover only the healthiest people out there. The healthy don’t go in for any costly treatments. Eliminating the need to cover certain conditions would eliminate those people with those conditions from ever being able to receive insurance, and it would give the health insurance industry cover as they drop all sick people from their plans.
That’s why we want universal coverage, so that no one, no matter their health gets insurance. The cost of scale should make it then cheap for everyone.
Kawashita-sensei of “Ichigo 100%” infamy had written another manga with cute girls, “Hatsukoi Limited.” It’s being made into an anime. Next to Mazukazo of “I”s” fame, she draws wonderfully cute girls. But her boys are a bunch of dolts. Anywhoo, when the anime comes out, I guess I’ll be trying to see if it’s any good. You can always go and read the manga at some scanlation site.
To coincide with the start of Baseball season, check out Orioles baseball cards at the Orioles Card “O” the Day blog. I’m still waiting for the horrendous all orange mid-seventies uniform to make its appearance.