Link of the Day [3.28.09]
Girls rock! Literally. They rock.
You wonder if this is true. It is. They do rock. And can you wonder why?
Because. They rock. Nuff said.
Link of the Day — Just click on it and you’ll be satisfied
Girls rock! Literally. They rock.
You wonder if this is true. It is. They do rock. And can you wonder why?
Because. They rock. Nuff said.
Rereading the seven volumes of Strawberry 100% (Ichigo 100%) in anticipation for next one supposedly due in April. I read at least two chapters a day, and I don’t get more than a few panels before Junpei does something stupid at which I’m screaming at him. Or he doesn’t make a move at which I’m groaning about the whole enterprise. Just stupidity on his part.
I’ve peeked at the ending and read the wikipedia entry so I know who he’s ends up with. That’s eleven volumes away though, but I can’t help but wonder WTF is up with this guy.
All three girls dig him. And the other girls in the book dig him too. WTF just pick one of these girls. You know which one. But they are all so cute. Satsuki? She really, really, really likes you. Aya? She’s too shy to express her feelings. Yui? Isn’t she like your a little sister to you? Tsukasa? She’s not your girlfriend no longer.
YARRGH! You make me crazy, Junpei.
Opening credits. Fun to watch?
Here’s an illustration of what I meant by how awesome the crescent moon in the dawn looks with the morning star, Venus. I just love astronomy. Also, I know you’ve already bookmarked it, but you’ve got to keep going back to APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day). It really is frakking awesome.
Don’t know why.
Just got to post it.
Sometimes it’s like coffee. And other times it’s like riding a bike. Smiles in the morning. Smiles in the morning.
Mmm. Cute asian goodness first thing Monday mornings. It’s like coffee, but cute.
Because I am lazy like that. Here’s one from a suggestion from Ms. FishTank. Don’t blame me if it sucks. 😛
IPhone OS 3 screen shots. Get them while they’re hot.
Did I tell you love animation?
Today’s link sent courtesy of my good friend AT. She never reads this site so still it’s a big shout out.
You’ll like the video. It’s intriguing. Good while you have your morning joe.
I have no idea what anime is this nendoroid from, but it is one of the most detailed I have seen. It’s a get.