As you know, I'm a big fan of ghost stories. Stories set in decrepit
mansions, dark castles, or creaky houses always manage to raise the
goosebumps on my arms. It's a satisfying feeling especially alone in
your darkened house snuggled up in a blanket underneath the glare of
your reading lamp. Yet, for me the spookiness of ghost stories was never translated well in
movies. I like watching them but the fear or excitement isn't the same.
Mainly, I can't look at them, but I can't look away unlike in reading
where the haunting tale focuses me to the words unwilling to look
around.Today's link take you to a marathon of blog posts. Click through and
read Arbogast on Film's January posts for some reviews and of ghostly
movies. Makes me want to watch some to get spooked out. Then, it makes
me want to read some in a cold, dark corner of my house. What's that
coming up the stairs?