Link of the Day [1.26.09]

This article about Windows taskbar and the OS X dock goes into some of the reasons I hate working on a PC. It has mainly to do with Multiple Document Interface (MDI).

I’m clumsy it expressing my hatred for Windows implementation, so read today’s link and appreciate the Mac paradigm. It also goes along way into understanding why your mom who uses a Mac keeps leaving applications running instead of quitting out of them.

Link of the Day [1.25.09]

A few weeks ago, I had linked to a site about manga trading. I lamented that I would rather get rid of my manga rather than accumulate more. I never did sign up for that service. I still might.

Out in Japan, they have manga rental places. These rental places are a good idea… I would happily rent manga at a place that specializes in manga, because I would get a big selection of the stuff, picking and choosing the ones I want to read and the ones I want to explore. I can try before buying, and I can try all different genres. And it’s better than a bookstore because it does specialize in only manga.

I think in the US they would call this a library.

Link of the Day [1.19.09]

Today's Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday and most people are off of work.
The president elect wants you to honor the honorable reverend's memory
by doing some community service. Together the nation can build itself
back into the great nation she was before fucktard president showed up.
So for those off today, go out and do something for the nation.

Link of the Day [1.17.09]

I really need to get rid of some of my manga even the ones that I liked.

Perhaps, I should use the library more?

The problem with trading manga is that you still have manga at the end of the trade. Then you’ll be wishing to trade it some more. Plus, the shipping costs add to an even less investment.

Why don’t I feel the same way with my comic books? Is it because I know no one wants to read them again or is it because they’re not worth it?