Link of the Day [1.16.09]

Get your very own cup noodle vending machine! Raise your blood pressure while you’re at it.

According to Danny Choo because I can’t read Japanese, today’s link is a chance to win a personal cup noodle vending machine. No word on if you get any cup noodle to fill it up. I bet they also give you a year’s supply. I wonder how many cup noodle is a year’s supply? The way my blood pressure is, for me, a year’s supply is probably two with all the powdered mix (msg) dumped out.

Link of the Day [1.14.09]

This is a post-it note type of link so that I won't forget about the
links on this page. Note to self: Get rid of some manga.I'm piling them up really quickly, and I'm in desperate need to get rid
of some. It's not that I don't enjoy them, but that there are some that
I don't want to read again. I need to sell these volumes or trade them
for ones I want. Do you need any?

Link of the Day [1.13.09]

It seems that the hometown team has made it to some kind of championship
game. The town is slathered in purple. I almost bought a jersey, but
will wait until the super bowl week to join the bandwagon. As for
showing home team pride, Itsuki-chan's mood lights are a calming purple.If your geeky enough about football, then read today's links to help you
get out by the numbers on who may end up playing in the big game and who
will win it. I'm not up on statistical analysis of football teams. I'm
like the retiring fucktard president: I rely on my gut feeling. I don't
doubt that these dudes can analyze the game in a way to know who has the
better chance of winning, but like they say, "the football isn't round."

Link of the Day [1.11.09]

Tilt shift photography is gaining a big following in the world. I think it’s because of the digital camera revolution making it quite easy for anyone to take photos often. You can take many pictures and not worry about how good or bad they turn out because you can always take more again. Practice.

Anyhow, tilt shift photography makes your pictures look like miniatures. Nendoroids are miniatures, but not like that. Check out the site for more interesting photos.

Link of the Day [1.09.09]

Don’t let Marge @ the FishTank see this or else she’ll go on a ramen craving but find disappointment (and high blood pressure) in cup noodle.

Today’s link takes you to Anime News Network where you can get all your latest news about anime, manga and the like. You don’t need that news? My bad. I thought you were as geeky as me. Today’s link also takes you to where you can watch the episodes free of charge. This type of streaming may be better than downloading a torrent of the anime you want to watch. At the very least, it’s legit.