Link of the Day [12.16.08]

I’m sitting at home waiting for the right time to head on over to the post office to pick up a package. I wish they would open at 8 am rather than a half hour later. I have to stay at work later than I would want to just because of the opening time.

In this day and age, the US postal service is a throwback to earlier times when letters were all important. Now, it’s just email, text, or IM. When will it be e-packages, text-packages, or IM-packages? Send my figures to my 3D printer so that I don’t have to wait so long.

Anywhoo, with the holiday coming up (9 days of shopping left), you better mail out those packages if you need them to get to their destination before Christmas morn.

Link of the Day [12.13.08]

Remember the Night stars Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray. It was released in 1940 a few years before the two stars made memorable cinematic pleasures with Double Indemnity. The movie was also written by Preston Sturges. If you will recall, Sturges directed and wrote The Lady Eve, one of the greatest screwball comedies, for Ms. Stanwyck. What is there not to like about watching this flick?

I haven’t seen it though. It’s one of the few Stanwyck films that I haven’t seen. You know, I think there may be a DVD version out there. I should track it down. But for today it’s being shown on TCM at 6:00 PM. I’ve set my DVR. I can’t wait.

Link of the Day [12.11.08]

Here’s a first — a link of the day that doesn’t take you anywhere. Of course, if you had a problem with any previous links of the day, then you may have thought that those took you no where, and you have already seen a BrowserMetrics link of the day that doesn’t take you anywhere, special. But I promise this link doesn’t take you anywhere of note, because it ends up at some domain name seller who is parking this domain name waiting for someone, maybe me, stupid enough to buy this domain. Get me Homer Simpson.

Link of the Day [12.10.08]

I don't believe in capitalism as preached by this country. I think the
markets are run by greedy people who only believe in the here-and-now
and not the long term future viability. And we follow them, because we
think they are smart. In reality, they are dumb and we are fools for
following them.Perhaps in the future, we will be less susceptible to the cons of the
financial industry.

Link of the Day [12.09.08]

I link to the New York Times more than any other site in my daily links.
I wonder if it's because I am lazy or if I find there stories and
articles good. Most likely, it's because it is one of the first stops
in the morning to read, and if you don't have the daily link already
pre-loaded a post, then you'll post almost anything looking for
something interesting. I haven't pre-loaded posts in a week, so I'm
scrambling to find you, my dear readers, something interesting to read.It's been cold this past weekend, and only is it supposed to warm up
again. So, with the cold and with some snow, we turn our ideas to
winter sports namely snowboarding. I haven't been in the last two
seasons. Two winters ago was the warmest that it has ever been; I think
I rode my bike one warm January day. I wasn't even thinking about
snowboarding that winter. Last year, it was more of the same except
that the final weeks in January and February were cold enough, but I was
too lazy to want to go ride.Maybe, if we had a late season like they do at Riksgransen I would've
ridden more. Not until the end did I want to carve some s-turns over
freshly groomed slopes.

Link of the Day [12.08.08]

Soon, perhaps today, I will write my review of Slumdog Millionaire.
It's the feel good hit of the season. Today's link is to Billy Mernit, a romantic comedy screenwriter and
studio reader. Mernit gives good tips on writing screen plays and for
selling screen plays. I've been reading his blog for a while now,
because I like knowing about the romantic comedy genre. I don't know
why. Must be because I am a fool for love. Also, it explains why I
like those high school romance comedy manga.