Link of the Day [11.15.08]

I like art. Last year on the España tour, we stopped at the Prado and the Reina Sofia in the same day. I remember visiting the Louvre and Musée d’Orsay. On the infamous cruise of the Baltic, CapitolSwell and I each bought a small painting of Talin, Estonia. Supposedly, they were done by student painters carving a living selling these 3×5 paintings to tourists like us. While CapitolSwell left his to me, I proudly and prominently display them in my home. Of course, my anime figures dominate them, but they are still to be seen.

I also have two Shag prints. I think they’re authentic silkscreens. I’ve gotten one framed and when the crafts store finally has another of their custom framing sale, I will finally get the second one framed too. I’ll also hang this one my wall, too.


Link of the Day [11.14.08]

Greed kills.

This article is pretty much a damnation of the wizards on Wall Street. They don’t know what they’re selling. We don’t know what we’re buying. We’re all dead in the long run.

I remember my one and only business class during my grad school studies. It was a class about ethics in business and it was filled with nothing but finance folks. They took the view that the bottom line was the first thing that mattered for a business. They didn’t out right ignore the need for ethical entrepeneurship, but they didn’t think that it was worthwhile. I took this class at the end of 2007. I wonder what happened to their world view.

Link of the Day [11.13.08]

You just can’t get enough of our president elect.

And you just can’t get enough of eight bit sound tracks.

Here’s a really stupid flash game that makes the future feel like the past and the present a moment in time. At least it has the eight bit sound track.

Link of the Day [11.11.08]

Continuing on with the anti-anti-intellectualism from yesterday.

Anti-intellectualism is a standing beef I have with the Republican party. Thinking is a gift that God gave us to separate us from the other animals. Why not praise it? Pointy-headed nerds got us on the moon. What’s stupid fucktard president got us? Rhetoric for going to Mars. Talk is talk. Nerds rule. And smart is sexy. It’s great to know what you are talking about, and to be curious of things in the world. It sucks if your the political party against stuff like that.

Hopefully, this’ll change.

Link of the Day [11.10.08]

Is it “populist” or “popular?” I can’t believe that the Republicans would embrace populist stances. They know of populism, but being anti-intellectual they don’t know populism. Theirs is more an rhetoric of populism. They are rather focused on an oligarchy that would do well and the populace to do only as the oligarchs deem allowable. The oligarchs would know what’s best for you. Abortion rights? Christian nation? White people? No gays. No Catholics. No godless heathens. Only those who believe can be part of this cult.

I remember during the 2000 election season a muslim co-worker told me he was going to vote Republican. I wondered why? His skin was as dark as mine. He was doing it because of the conservative nature of his religion meshed well with the conservative nature of the Republican party. I often wonder how after eight years of W. he feels about his choice.

You cannot hew to the mindless without getting into trouble.

Link of the Day [11.07.08]

Once again, the Onion is doing a great job of capturing how I feel,
except I think I'm eight years on the burn out. I remember election night eight years ago. I fell asleep with the
television on, and in the late hours of the night waking up and catching
the news of the confusion at who had won. It was surreal as I watched
the news anchors scrambling to catch up with concession speeches and no
concession speeches. Or watching them wonder where it all gone wrong.
My anger probably started there. My resignation as well. As the years
had progressed, either hasn't abated. But on Tuesday, that's all over.
It's been eight years, but finally we have some hope to believe in. The
future is bright.What next?