Link of the Day [11.02.08]

Daylight savings time is over. I hope you’ve changed your clocks. There’s a lot to change. Luckily, my computers are pulling from some time server somewhere, and my cell phone gets it from the carrier.

The others I have to change.

Like the one in my car. And in the other car. My wristwatch. The other wristwatch. My workout wristwatch with the heart monitor. The stove. The microwave oven. The alarm clock. The other clock in my office.

Keeping up with time is exhausting.

Link of the Day [11.01.08]

I tried OpenOffice years ago. This was when you had to run it as an x11 application. It totally sucked. Why? First, it had a non-native interface. X11 is Unix apps with all the window-y, unix-y stylizations that that entails. Second, it was slow. On my TiBook it was still rather silly to launch, and menus just appeared with a noticeable delay. Third, X11. You probably don’t run it. You probably shouldn’t run it. You need admin rights to launch OpenOffice. You need to know some command line kung fu as well. It was just painful to use, and I am glad to be using Pages or Google docs instead.

That said, it looks like they are getting around to making it an okay app to run on OS X.
Once it is out of open source/unix-y developers hands, it will take off.

Link of the Day [10.30.08]

Rush Limbaugh is a pathetic person. Here he his complaining about the moderates in the Republican party going over to Obama. He says good riddance. I say good luck. For all you fools who thought Republicans were decent people, Rush Limbaugh is the embodiment of the current Republican, narrow-minded and prejudiced. It is not enough to think different, but you must think like Rush. I can’t wait for Tuesday to see his head asplode.

Link of the Day [10.29.08]

Why should those old fogies in Florida decide the outcome of the election? Why living in a thoroughly blue state with no chance for your red fool of a candidate keep you from appreciating your vote? Why should we have to worry about what the two people who live in Idaho and the four people in North Dakota need in their next president? Why do we still have an electoral college?

I don’t know. I don’t really care. I live in a thoroughly blue state that will always seem to do the right thing for me to worry about. I treat voting as a civic duty. I missed out on it for ten years, and when I did get to vote, the stupid old fogies elected president fucktard.

If you want your vote to count, then you should support the national popular vote referendum or whatever they call it. Even if you don’t, you should visit the site to understand why our system may be antiquated.