Link of the Day [10.27.08]

It's only a few more days until the scariest day of the year is here.
No, not November 4th, Election Day, but Halloween. To get you in the
mood, here's a nice summary and recommendation of 13 frightening manga.
Search these out to get your Japanese horror creep on. Or you can do
like me and re-read a good book of ghost stories. Anyway, it's that
time of year to feel a bit vulnerable in your bed at night.

Link of the Day [10.26.08]

I hope when the Democrats get the majority in the Senate that they kick Joe Lieberman out of the caucus. Ever since he cried about not winning the dem nomination for Senate in 2006, he’s been nothing but a pain in the ass for the dems. It gives the Republicans an excuse to point to a former dem and dem vp candidate, and say that they should be more like that wanker. When the dems win, I hope no one has to listen to Lieberman anymore.

If I recall, Obama supported Lieberman in his “independent” bid for the Senate. How does that look now?

Link of the Day [10.25.08]

I love sushi. What do you do when you find out that it’s not environmentally friendly of a meal? When you can get sushi at the Royal Farms store, we have overfished the oceans. When you find out that tuna has high concentrations of mercury, we have poisoned our food supplies. What is a sushi lover to do?

Perhaps, change his habits? I would like to, but, damn, unagi is in the “eco-worst” column. What can replace that?

Link of the Day [10.24.08]

In my GoogleReader feeds, I have a number of economic commentators. They’ve been a good read to understanding what this financial turmoil is all about. Yet, all their posts have been depressing for quite sometime, so I usually skip over them and mark them read. I have no time to get depressed when I am already depressed.

Still, today’s link caught my eye earlier this week. It’s Barry Ritholtz explaining who to blame for this mess. Not really, but he does explain some of the key causes that enabled the problem to fester.

Link of the Day [10.22.08]

Socialism? Funny that you should mention it, Senor McCain. As Matthew
Yglesias points out, your pal, Palin, seems to be right in the middle of
a socialist collective in Alaska. The government has nationalized the
means of production. Alaskans own the oil, which in turns funds the
state. Rugged Alaskans? Do these guys even work? That's rhetorical,
but it does get into how silly leveling charges of socialism at Obama
are. If I do recall, it is the current, Republican administration, that
is in the midst of nationalizing the banks.

Links of the Day [10.20.08]

They concluded the presidential debates last Wednesday, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, like these guys.

Come on now. “Who the hell are you? One bastard goes in, another one comes out.”

We’re scraping the bottom, when I start linking to Alan Keyes’s candidacy. But here at BrowserMetrics, I post and let you decide. Whether to laugh or cry for these sad saps. Hopefully, your mom will vote for you.

Link of the Day [10.19.08]

They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, former congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, for one.

Cynthia McKinney is running on the Green ticket. She beat out Ralph Nader. Nader must be such a loser that even the Greens don’t want him to lead. McKinney might be more of the same. While I admire some of what the Greens stand for (environmental policies?,) why vote for these losers who will never get a chance to enact any of those policies you cherish?

The Green Party has an all woman ticket. Sarah Palin take note.

Link of the Day [10.18.08]

They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Dr. Chuck Baldwin, for one.

Dr. Chuck Baldwin is the Constitution Party’s nominee. I have no idea who he is or what they stand for, but it can’t be good when you leave the Republican party because George W Bush wasn’t right-wing enough. Sounds to me like they’re way Right on issues, a very scary place to be. It’s thin air out there, so thin, as to make you incoherent. I wonder if his policies are? Or are they very coherent, but scary, frightening?

Someone click this link and tell me.

Disclaimer: I’m just going through the other candidates’ websites to provide you, the reader, information. I don’t endorse any of them (except Obama). It’s to help you, the reader, decide on whom you will choose. I’m just wondering, “How the fuck are you still undecided after eight years?”