Link of the Day [10.17.08]

They concluded the presidential debates Wednesday, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Bob Barr, for one.

I have no clue about this dude. From reading his Wikipedia entry, the item that stands out most is that he was one of the congressional leaders in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. I say, “Get a fucking life, you cocksucking twat.” Barr is running under the Libertarian Party flag. I would think that libertarians would value personal freedom in the form of receiving a BJ once in awhile. He must’ve only come to this conclusion recently. How can you be the Presidential nominee of the party Party and be against BJs?

Link of the Day [10.16.08]

They concluded the presidential debates last night, but not all candidates were invited. In fact, only the Democratic and Republican nominees were allowed. (Or at least that was my impression as I didn’t watch any of the debates.) There are others running for the Presidency, Ralph Nader, for one.

He has run in the last couple of presidential elections. In the 2000 elections, some of the more liberal voters cast their votes for Nader rather than Gore. They believed that Al Gore wasn’t liberal enough coming from a centrist, Democratic administration, and that he would kowtow to the whims of whomever is pulling the strings in the country. I can’t believe it. I want to say, “Thanks, you cocksucking twats.” You’re the reason for the eight years of ineffectiveness and stupidity that has become of the United States. If I wasn’t angrier at the dumb Republican voters, you’d surely get plenty of my wrath.

But Nader is still running this year. Let’s hope no one votes for him.

Link of the Day [10.15.08]

This should be tomorrow's link of the day, but I am posting it for you
today to remind you that it will be Boss's Day. You should get your
boss a nice card, some candy, and some flowers. You should pat them on
the back and say, "Thanks, for letting me keep my job." When your
performance appraisals come through, that suck-up maneuver will not be
wasted, and you will be rewarded with another year of work.Boss's Day was devised by the Chamber of Commerce. It was probably a
self-congratulatory move by them and was created to remind the workers
who really is in charge. I imagine celebrations taking place in the
little conference room. Everyone looking like they want to be somewhere
else. The boss comes in and everyone mumbles an unenthusiastic chorus
of "For he's a jolly good fellow." Small talk follows for a few minutes
while the cake is being handed out, but when it's gone everyone is back
to their desks. Only the boss lounges around chatting with the
suck-ups. I think this was an episode of "The Office?"'s_Day

Link of the Day [10.10.08]

I didn't see any of the debates. My blood pressure is borderline high
already. I didn't watch any of the news coverage of them as well. I
have no idea what any of the presidential candidates really plan to do
once elected. I could care less as my vote is for removing the
Republicans from office, any and all of them.

Link of the Day [10.09.08]

I'm watching a co-workers USB fan cool her down in this unseasonably
warm, humid day, and I wish I had one. That's a great use of the unused
USB ports on my work desktop. I doubt that the IT department would like
it though.I'm looking for cool USB devices. I've seen a few: coffee mug warmer,
refrigerator, christmas tree, fake fish tank. I've also seen some crazy
devices out of Japan, most notably a simulated bomb. It doesn't blow up
by acts as a countdown timer. I would like to get these "humping dogs"
as they are hilarious except that they won't be so hilarious the next
day. Have you seen any cool USB devices?

Link of the Day [10.08.08]

I’m in a love-hate mode. I’m in a pirating mode. I’m in a take it for me mode. I just need to watch some anime. And to watch some of the ones I want, I have to turn to finding fansubs. You’ll usually find them on the underground.

Now I’m not saying do it, but you got to do what you got to do.

Get me some anime!