Link of the Day [10.07.09]
The Programmatic Programmers are offering an iPhone development workshop. I would love to go. I doubt I will. I don’t even write code. That’s so sad.
Link of the Day — Just click on it and you’ll be satisfied
The Programmatic Programmers are offering an iPhone development workshop. I would love to go. I doubt I will. I don’t even write code. That’s so sad.
Recently, at a dinner party at my mom’s for a friend of a friend, one of the guests asked me about the Republican VP nominee. Ugh. Really. It isn’t polite to bring up politics at the dinner table, but I was game. I said that I can’t understand a word she’s saying, and every time she’s on tv I cringe. It’s more likely that I find it outright embarrassing for her to be so incoherent in front of the whole nation. You could probably get a whole room of monkeys pounding away at typewriters, and they would produce a more coherent mishmash of nouns, verbs, and adjectives to form a competent thought.
How are we to take seriously this VP candidate when you know that the man who put her on the ticket is so insincere?
I always dream of traveling around the world. Haven’t really done it too much. Exploration. Now would be fun.
As CapitolSwell would urge you to do: Get involved!
(ht Barack Obama)
Lance Armstrong is going to race in the 2009 edition of Le Tour. It’s time to get ready for the showdown, when the past meets the present and the future of cycling is determined. It’s going to be exciting.
I want to be there, but on my bike.
Here’s a little tour that you can do which will follow the Tour around. It’s pretty pricey, but very easy on the legs. You average about 50 miles per day. That’s easy! of course it could be one day of 100 miles and the next of 2 miles. Either way, it sounds like fun. Maybe I have to start getting in shape.
Whew, now that NewsRadio Quote Month is over I can go back to using
boring old titles for these posts again. Darn. Every time I do
NewsRadio Quote Month, I always think that I have run out of quotes, but
then I keep finding ones that I haven't used yet. I thought perhaps
this was its final year, but maybe we'll see it again next year.Today, we're going back in time to the year 2001. Google, in honor of
their tenth anniversary has a special site where you can search there
index as if it was the year 2001. That's the earliest index they have
on hand. Check it out. I wonder if BrowserMetrics can be found then?
Link of the Day [9.30.08]
So I have a few anime figures, the latest being Tabitha from Zero No Tsukaima. Don’ ask me what the hell that anime is, all I know is that I really dug the figure. I would do the cool thing and take some pictures, but I just don’t have the camera for it. You have seen my figures on my flickr account? Some of those photos aren’t so great, and the layouts are very dull. I would love to show them off in a better way.
So head on over to Happy Soda and read his figure reviews. They are very interesting, because each review has an intro story that seems to capture the mood of the figure. Then he photographs them awesomely. Someone get me my camera!
Link of the Day [9.29.08]
The Republicans mean to wreck the country. It is their nature. When the main cause celebre for them is that “Government cannot do anything good,” then you go about proving it. You get elected. Then you systematically dismantle everything that was working and replace it with things that sound like they work, but are really a bogus shell of activity.
Why do the American people elect these people? You wouldn’t put an arsonist in charge of the fire department, and yet, time after time, Republicans get elected and they go about ruining things. They are the ones striking the match to start the fire.
Link of the Day [9.28.08]
To make you less confused about yesterday’s post, here’s the main article upon which yesterday’s article was a side not to.