“I asked for French fries, not frozen potato planks placed in the general vicinity of some warm grease.”

Link of the Day [9.24.08]

The Big Bailout is only helping those who caused the problem, and it’s going to be supervised by the same people who for the last year have been saying the financial crisis has been contained, in other words, the same people who don’t know jack.

Thanks, Republicans. The political party that preaches fiscal responsibility is the most fiscallyist responsible! The FUCK they are! They also have been scaring the populous about the “Dems going to raise taxes.” Under whose watch again did this massive spending come from? Who’s going to pay? How are we going to pay? TAXES! Makes you wonder if this isn’t some plot by the Republicans to hobble the government with debt then point out that the government can’t run properly. That’s just plain incompetence on that political party. They have no right to even run for dog catcher.

If only you can also get a helping hand from the government. Let’s dump our bad investments on the people. You have that Milli Vanilli CD? Get the government to pay you for it. The best part is they will gladly pay top dollar for it. It’s worth hundreds!!!


“I brought Foxy in to improve my productivity, and she can’t do that while Joe is teaching her bad words in Italian.”

Link of the Day [9.23.08]It's getting to be that time again. Perhaps, a new blogger template?
Or maybe a move to a real domain and my own garden in the intrawebs.
Anyway, there are some cool color palettes from a Van Gogh painting to
choose. If you don't like 'em, there's more at the main site.
Obviously, I want something in a darker theme, perhaps, "Starry Night."http://www.colourlovers.com/blog/2008/09/20/van-gogh-and-the-colors-of-t
(ht kottke.org)

“I can’t claim that I knew Ted well, but I do know that he had has passions. ‘Star Wars’ was one. And apparently he was also a devoted member of the K

Link of the Day [9.22.08]The Big Bailout is coming, and it will only help the Masters of the
Universe who got us into this mess. I keep hearing from people that
Barack Obama is going to raise our taxes. With this shit happening, our
taxes are going to be raised just to fund the retirement of the Masters
of the Universe. They play around and get hurt, and now they come
crying to the government for help. And we'll let them. Isn't it about
time that those who believe in the free market to let the free market
work? Shit happens. Too bad. Get a job.Anyway, if you're as angry at this predicament, remember this is all
part and parcel of the way Republicans run our nation. They don't take
any responsibility in the mess they make. They want the working man to
clean up after them, but don't want to help the working man themselves.
Vote Obama. Also, contact your Congressman and Senator and express your dismay at
the Big Bailout and the lack of oversight going into it. The last time
the administration said it must act fast, we got the war in Iraq.
Sometime's we have to step back and wonder, "WTF."http://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2008/09/lies-from-paulson-kee

“Sir, Chuck Connors wasn’t in Chinatown.”

Link of the Day [9.19.08]

I don’t think I have to remind you guys that today is “Talk like a pirate day.”

Speaking of which, a game programmer, asked the intrawebs about why some people pirate his games. He’s got a rundown on many of the saner reasons, and he’s got solutions to some of the critiques of his games and their cost. He’s trying to fix it, so that they aren’t pirated. As much. Good luck. Hope to hear from you in a year about how those changes worked.

Avast, keel haul ’em!


“Wait a minute. You’re telling me that our entire case is based on all judges being Masons?”

Link of the Day [9.17.08]

Pretty soon it will be Holloween, but John McCain doesn’t need a mask. He is our nations worst nightmare.

Jill Greenberg photographed McCain for the latest issue of the Atlantic. She made it unflattering. She also did a photoshopped version with McCain saying, “I am a bloodthirsty warmonger.” Very funny, but it does no good to point out the obvious. In fact, people will be more sympathetic with this pathetic person. That isn’t exactly what we need to rid our nation of the scourge of Republicans. Where’s buffy when you need her?
