“They use a word that rhymes with ‘gritches’ that starts with a B.”

Link of the Day [9.06.08]

Liking anime means that sometimes you end up immersing yourself in that otaku culture. You like what the crowd like (Macross Frontier, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya). You do what the crowd does (wish to go to Japan or Akihibara). You buy things the crowd buys. Anime figures.

Good Smile Company makes very nice figures of characters from anime. They’re mainly the girls, because nothing gets the otaku heart pumping like 2D girls rendered in 3D. Finally, Good Smile Company is recognizing that the otaku culture is no longer contained on the shores of Japan, and with the globalization of anime, it can be found all over the world. They’re creating an English version of the site run by Danny Choo to get all information about their line figures to those who have money to burn. Now I don’t have to learn Japanese.


“These are actuall rap lyrics. ‘Life ain’t nothin’ but gritches and money,’ only they don’t use ‘gritches.'”

Link of the Day [9.05.08]

I sing the praises of Macross Frontier, and for those who have watched it, it’s good, right? Yet, I wouldn’t have even cared for it, if not for watching Robotech, the US derivation/adaptation of Macross, Mospaeda, and Southern Cross anime.

You can get Robotech via iTunes, now. In a perfect world, we would also be able to get the original Macross and Macross Frontier as well. When are we going to break down those country ID barriers? Steve Jobs tear down that wall!!!


(h/t Anime News Network)

“I thought it was because of the rhythm. You know, rap-rap, rappity-tap.”

Link of the Day [9.04.08]

Every time I watch an anime about school yard crushes, there’s inevitably a scene of bike riding. You don’t see that on 90210 do you?

All over the world, people are riding bikes as a form of transportation. They go to school, work or to the store. What did they do to make it so much easier to ride a bike? Can the US change? Or are our cities, towns, and homes too inhospitable to developing a bike culture?


“Wait a minute, you didn’t know rap had words?”

Link of the Day [9.03.08]

Well, August passed by, and I’m still stuck just short of 500 miles for the year. This is worst than last year. I rode about 45 minute per outing then, but a whole lot more of them. This year, the number of times I rode is less, but I put more time in per ride. And again, like last year, my August has been a disappointment. I can only blame myself and lack of motivation caused by the fact that long rides alone suck.

So reading this excerpt of Jonathon Vaughter’s, the manager for Garmin-Chipotle (nee Team Slipstream), ride with Senator Kerry (D-Mass) during last weeks DNC, I just want to go out and cruise. It’s pretty amazing that a sitting Senator can keep up with a former pro cyclists. What’s he do and when does he get the time to ride like that? And if he’s fearless screaming down hair pin descents in the Rockies, what happened in 2004?

I know one thing: I’m in that 12mph lolly-gagging group. I have to get back to the 15 mph.


“Exotic?” “Ugly.”

Link of the Day [9.02.08]

Can I cheat at doing NewsRadio Quote Month? Maybe. It seems that most of my readers only have begun reading my blog in the last year or so when the blog impetus blew up with the seed and his crew. So let’s go back to the begin.

Woah! This is too inside baseball to do. Have fun!! Click on the every 9.0x link in the registry on the right for more NewsRadio goodness.


“Striking?” “Pretty with a big nose.”

Link of the Day [9.01.09]

Hey! Hey! It’s NewsRadio Quote Month. I’ve changed my approach to it. While not all posts this month will be titled with NewsRadio quote. The Links of the Day will. That means at least 30 more NewsRadio quotes to make you laugh! You’ll love it. Then you’ll go down to your local B&N or Borders (or if you’re the seed, to Amazon.com) and pick up all five seasons of this show. Trust me. You’ll love ’em.


Here we go!


Link of the Day [8.31.08]

On Friday, I asked for a link to Obama”s acceptance speech, and m came through with the youtube link. (Thanks, m!) So imagine my surprise that I checked out iTunes and found a free, nice downloadable version of the speech. Yippee! No more pixelated video, and you can put that on your iPhone/iPod to watch whenever or wherever.

Today’s link gets you to the selected speeches of the Democratic National Convention. They’ve added just the audio of the speeches as well. Enjoy and vote Obama!


Link of the Day [8.29.08]

So you bought an iPhone 3G? I’ve got the old one. You’ve got the new one. There’s nothing special about that right?

This dude bought one, but it came with pics already on the machine. Interesting. You’ve probably read about this already. Just had to post it for the link of the day. I can’t say how real this is. It could all be just one of those internet hoaxes as well.


Link of the Day [8.28.08]

Do today what you want to do tomorrow, or some such nonsense such as that. You’ll find these crazy zen koans of life wisdom in plenty books and magazines.

Do or do not. There is no try.

Sorry, that was Yoda. Except, no matter how cheesy it sounds, it is always better to be doing than to not be.

The guy who co-wrote the book, 100 Things To Do Before You Die is dead. He only accomplished about half his list.

So go. Do. Time is running out. You never know what tomorrow will bring.


(h/t Kottke)