Link of the Day [8.27.08]

Growing up in the 80s, you could not not have watched MacGyver. He made
a bomb out of chewing gum and a radiator hose! At least that was the
joke at the time. Some of his solutions were ingenious. Others were
hard to believe, but they all contained some truth to the science in
them.Today's site is a contains wealth of MacGyver information, and I'm
sending you to the list of MacGyver solutions. You should also read the
rest of the site to satisfy all your MacGyver interest. The very least
is to check out the entry for the characters Murdoc and Penny Parker.
They were in one of my favorite episodes.

Link of the Day [8.26.08]

Rockband is probably the only video game I would feel like playing because it’s like you’re in a band pounding on the drums or trilling on the guitar. I just read that they plan to localize it for the Japanese market. No. Fucking. Way. Because if they do “God Knows” or “Lost My Music” from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, I may have to get a game system. That’ll rock.

Anyway, here’s the main RockBand site. You can check out all the songs that have been released for the game. There’s some fun songs there to play, but it won’t be as fun as “God Knows” or “Lost My Music.” I’ll even sing if this happens.

Link of the Day [8.25.08]

Just picked up this new manga, Kasumi, and find it a fun read. It’s about a magical girl which puts it right in the shojo genre, but the plot hints at more of a superhero, American comic book action. The main character, Kasumi, isn’t bitten by a spider or born with mutant powers, but acquires some them via mystical lights in the forest.

She’s also a transfer student to an elite high school, and she finds herself an outsider because of her commoner class — now that’s shojo. Kasumi has to fit in, make friends, and discover why she has these new abilities.

Since it’s only on its first volume not too much has been told, but I’m looking forward to the next one.

Link of the Day [8.24.08]

See. I’m not the only one infatuated with anime figures. Here’s a girl that likes to show the world her collection. I wish I could spend my money on these damn things. O, wait I already do! I think my interest was piqued when I spotted the Japanese figures and toys flickr pool. The mecha looked cool, but the darn girly figures were so cute, I just had to have one. Anyway, I do have several plus a set of SD Gundam mechs and two veritech fighters. Onward to more toys!

Link of the Day [8.22.08]

The relentless march of links of the day is overwhelming and time consuming. I can’t find things fast enough to link to, so I default to whatever was the last site I thought was interesting.

Here we have a blog about the sport of cycling. Not so much the doing, but the what and whys of things. I like reading about the sport, but sometimes I just have to go out and ride. Lately, I haven’t been doing that. I need 100 miles to make it a decent month of riding. Instead of reading about it, I should be doing it. Yet, thphtt. ;__;

Link of the Day [8.20.08]

Macross Frontier is the latest iteration of the Macross anime. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of the first Macross saga, the franchise goes back to all the hallmarks of the first one. The love triangle is there. The city on a spaceship is there. The mecha is there. The drama is there. And the singing. Boy, howdy, the singing!

When you watch it, you will recognize the plot beats that Macross Frontier mimics from the original. Yet, the milieu has been changed. I’ve been watching a lot of anime and the ones made today are vastly different than those of the 80s. For one thing, I don’t remember there being so much fan service in the original Macross. There was that one shower scene, but no fascination with boobs. Macross Frontier, while not overt about it, doesn’t shy away from fan service. And moe seems to have creeped into this one. Girls with glasses, maids, nekomimi, absolute territory: they’re there. Still, I wonder if its because I watch a lot of current anime that I notice these things or are they really embedded in the show.

The songs are also a nice touch, but not knowing the Macross universe too well, I don’t know if they are singing a new song or something from the previous stuff. It’s good to listen to, but I wonder which ones to download for my anime playlist.

Link of the Day [8.19.08]

If you’re reading this, then it’s probably too late. Still, run to your TV sets and turn on TCM, they’re hosting a Summer Under the Stars and Miss Barbara Stanwyck is today’s classic movie star. It’s got a wonderful set of her films — lots of rarities that haven’t been shown in a long while. Also, I have to eat my words from a week ago, when I said that there was no movie by the name of You Belong to Me starring Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. There is. Oops, my bad. I read imdb before posting that and must’ve glossed over it completely. Oops, my bad, again.

Anyhow, I set my tivo to do some extra recording, dumping all Olympic coverage. I suggest you do the same.