Link of the Day [8.17.08]

Warning! Beware of imitators! There are fakes out there!

When you start collecting anime figures, you just want to buy everything you see which is hard because you can only get them from overseas. So you search. You can get the more renowned figures from or other specialty retailers such as or One of the more dangerous places to get them from is ebay. Most of the time they’re from some Hong Kong dude. And (I’m just conjecturing) they may be selling you a fake copy. That’s fine if you want to save money, but the build quality is even less perfect.

Today’s site directs you to Good Smile Company’s informational page on spotting the phony. It’s of Mikuru-chan. I only highlight it today, because I recently got that Mikuru Asahina nendoroid (she’s so kawaii! >.< ) and I hope its real. Oh, I may have a phony in my toy collection. O_o;

Link of the Day [8.16.08]

The weather’s here. Wish you were beautiful.

The seed and the rest of the gang are out there in paradise and enjoying life. Partying and having fun. While I’m here, thinking things through. You probably saw the seed’s series of posts taunting us. Here’s to him. That funny guy.

Link of the Day [8.14.08]

You Belong to Me sounds like an interesting movie. It stars Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda. She’s a doctor. He’s a millionaire. They meet on vacation. I suppose wacky highjinx ensue soon turning to love.

But the movie only sounds interesting. There was never a movie with that description with those two in it. It is almost real and very similar plot points to The Lady Eve. Yet, I think it’s all fabricated.

I got this link in my google search RSS feed for Barabara Stanwyck. I read it the site. I think it’s a spam site as lately this search RSS feed has been getting hit with spam sites. I apologize now if you’re on a Windows machine and it installs some kind of malware.

I can’t believe how sophisticated these spammers are. If you read the rest of the site, you’ll see some other movies that were made in the alternate reality Hollywood of the spammers.

Link of the Day [8.13.08]

I have two bikes that I’ve been riding this year. I also have two more bikes in the garage. What to do with these? I would like to sell one, the Bianchi, but the other, an old Specialized Rockhopper, I want to recycle. Fix it up and give it to someone who may make use of it better.

I don’t who would do that, but these guys are close. If you have a few bikes you want to get rid of consider donating to this organization. Now if they only picked up door to door.

Link of the Day [8.12.08]

Sometimes political commentators can be blowhards hard to listen to and to take seriously especially if they bloviate about the problems of the Democratic party. While not perfect in any sense, and not achieving much for the American people, the Democratic party still strives to make living in the United States better for everyone.

The Republican party? Not so much.

Thomas Frank is supposedly one of the more astute commentators of the political scene. While I don’t doubt that (I had read One Market Under God which was okay), he does put succinctly the problems with the Republican party and the people who come to be its representatives. They are a corrupt bunch of people, because the philosophical underpinnings of the Republican party is corrupt as well. They are beholden not to the people who elect them but to the corporations and the wealthy. They believe government to be THE problem, but still want to work within it. You don’t put the criminals in charge of the police. Why do we do it for our government?

Get this book and see the impoverished ideas of the Republican party.

Link of the Day [8.10.08]

Went to the Yard last night. Saw the O’s win one for the first time in a long while. Perhaps my streak of losses is over.

On one pitch a Texas player swung, lost his grip on the bat, and then lost his bat to a fan who caught it. We cheered. Hopefully, the dude’s okay and not hurt from some wooden projectile hurtling his way. At least he got a souvenir. I wonder if the bat is maple or ash?

Link of the Day [8.08.08]

So it’s a toy. So what? I like ’em. I collect figures. My older brother is building up a comic book/star wars figure collection. Me? I like the anime stuff. Lately, I’ve been interested in the small cute ones called nendoroids. They’re made by Good Smile Company. Today’s link will show you the list of them. It’s never too early to start a Christmas wish list.