Link of the Day [8.07.08]

It’s the day before the 2008 Olympics in China. For all their advances in commerce and capitalism, let’s not forget how totalitarian the regime is. Their staging of the Olympics is a propoganda device meant to show the world that they are ready to be a part of it. Yet, they can still do what they did almost twenty years ago except now with a corporate logo.

Link of the Day [8.06.08]

At 8:15 AM sixty-three years ago, the Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. In an instant, 140,000 people were killed, and the fate of the world was changed. Who knows if the war in the Pacific could’ve been won without the bomb? Who knows what we had unleashed? It is a legacy that remains with us to this day. Should we have been the ones to use it? If not us, would they have used on us or our allies?

Link of the Day [8.05.08]

Stopped by the grocery store this morning to get some lunch. I had decided on instant ramen because I’m in the mood. Did you know that ramen is such a big thing in Japan that they have a museum dedicated to it? I wonder if the US has a hot dog museum? And where it is so that I can visit it.

Link of the Day [8.03.08]

The more and more you watch John McCain’s campaign the more and more you get the feeling that he’s just a grumpy old man. He keeps thinking that he deserves to be president by virtue of his service to the country as a Vietnam POW. He feels that he’s entitled to the office. It’s just like an old white guy to always demand it his way.

His veterans status doesn’t automatically qualify him for the presidency. He should be a leader, but I don’t think he is. He’s more like the current fucktard president: wanting it because he’s John McCain and who are you to fuck with him? John McCain is not fit for the presidency.

Link of the Day [8.02.08]

The US has got another manga publication from the folks at Yen Press. It’s nothing like Shojo Beat or Shonen Jump. It’s got both styles of stories plus Korean Manwha and good ol’ US manga-style comics.

It’s in stores right now, so get it. Or you can borrow my copy.

Link of the Day [8.01.08]

I saw this a few days back, but posting it now because its hilarious.

I caught both Bamboo Blade and Kimikiss Pure Rouge on Veoh by watching a fansub. A fansub is an amateur translation. They makes it easy to watch the latest anime from Japan. It also makes it easy to watch what may not make it to the States. Kimikiss just doesn’t seem to be for the American market which just wants Naruto, Bleach, or more DragonBall. The fansubbers try their best, but at times they just get things so wrong. It happens because they want to get it out quick. These are some classic unintentional (maybe) mistakes.

Link of the Day [7.31.08]

I know some of my readers don’t like reading movie reviews. (Yes, I’m looking at you seed.) Here’s a good one on The X-Files: I Want to Believe. Maybe, I am trying to get a handle of what I saw. I really wanted to like it, but instead the film ruminated upon things I didn’t want to really think too deeply about in the summer. It also was more intellectually challenging than what I was looking for in an X-files film.

Link of the Day [7.30.08]

The Fat War may be over, but there’s still some mopping up to do.

It’s been about four months since the end of that. And we’ve probably regressed and gained back the weight lost. I keep on cycling, and eating summer salads, but don’t gain any muscle.

This plan sounds intriguing. Sounds it any way. Maybe. But if you do 25 pushups a minute, this will take 4 minutes to do in the end. That’s gotta hurt.

Link of the Day [7.29.08]

Here’s a new search engine. What?! You use something other than google? Is there anything else besides google? I mean my statcounter when I check the search engine references are nothing but google. Maybe there’s a stray AOL and a technorati search, but it’s 100% google 99.98% of the time.