Link of the Day [6.09.08]

This year’s Apple Developer conference is sold out. Looks to be a halo effect with iPhone development bringing in others into the Apple/Mac developer fold.

Why am I not one of them? And why are these lame people joining now? I’ve been predicting for years that Mac development is the way to go. Now it looks to have come true. Dang!

Link of the Day [6.07.08]

With the proliferation of electronic devices, you may not know what to do with old, infrequently used components. It’s best to recycle them, but it’s tough to get to the dump to do so. Best Buy announced that they are doing electronics recycling at their stores. And there’s always a Best Buy around (there’s one down the road from me). You bring them your old computers, televisions and appliances and they will recycle it for you. It may cost a fee though, but it’s worth it for not having that junk clutter your house and clutter the dump.

Link of the Day [6.05.08]

Bamboo Blade has one of the most frightening characters I’ve seen in an anime. She is 宮崎 都, Miyazaki Miyako, and she’s a yanderekko. It’s a anime character trait characterized as loving, but with a dark, black side.

Boy, does Miya-Miya have a dark side! She’s supposedly the pink of the group, but everyone knows she’s also the black. She’s happiest with her acorn-head boyfriend, and also happiest hitting someone. She’s cute and scary. Don’t cross her. Watch out. She’ll crush your nuts!

Link of the Day [6.04.08]

As a software developer, it’s humbling to admit mistakes in you’re design. “My kungfu is not as good as I think it is.” You have to be brave, but in the long it’s much better to admit to your shortcomings because you’ll save more. “Scrap it now rather than bandaid it for the future.”

Here’s the Twitter folks admitting to issues with their social network. The questions are phrased in a condescending tone conveying the incredulousness of their situation. “You’re site runs on only one db server?! You update by hand?! What kind of idiots are you?” It’s admirable that the Twitter folks even answered such grueling questions.

Will I be able to fess up the same way if I’m on a software project to nowheresville?

Link of the Day [6.02.08]

Today’s link is to Krispy Kreme in Japam. What’s so special about that? I don’t know but it’s interesting to me. I’m wondering about the flavors they have. Do they go beyond glazed? From looking at the home page picture, I think they do things a little differently than they do here.

Dried squid flavor anyone?

Link of the Day [6.15.08]

A while back, my cousin came back home for a couple days. He tells me that he’s now commuting to work on a bike. He’s also looking to get a junker to convert into a cargo bike. Here’s a company that makes just that.