Link of the Day [6.15.08]

A while back, my cousin came back home for a couple days. He tells me that he’s now commuting to work on a bike. He’s also looking to get a junker to convert into a cargo bike. Here’s a company that makes just that.

Link of the Day [5.30.08]

Chris Bishop is an illustrator who did the Pretty girl and robot series that I loved looking at. He also is exhibiting at ARTOMATIC in DC. CapitolSwell had mentioned it awhile back, but in reference to a friend of his showing. I hope he had a chance to admire some of Chris Bishops work.

Maybe one of these days, I can but his a piece. Until then let’s enjoy the sublime, Girl versus Pig.

Link of the Day [5.29.08]

This is a post that most likely should come from my buddy, Wyman, over at JadedWings, but he’s busy doing his own thing so let me tell you about.

TCM is doing race and cinema with Asian actors. Every Tuesday and Thursday they’ll show movies that have asian actors. The one I am most looking forward to is The Bitter Tea of General Yen which stars my fave, Barbara Stanwyck, who is seduced by the oriental devil. Nice. Anyway, try to catch some of these movies because I said so. You’ve got Tivo correct?

Link of the Day [5.28.08]

Mac Clones. Sounds like something out of Star Wars. Yet, the mid nineties did have Apple sanctioned alternative machines. They were nice. You could configure them like a dell. But it ate into Apple’s profits and probably contributed to the late nineties Apple malaise. Steve Jobs comes in and kills that deal. Apple creates the iMac and starts its climb back to greatness.

This is notice that for Apple to survive they must keep making their own boxes. Fake Apple stuff sucks. Don’t buy that fake Apple stuff.