Link of the Day [5.12.08]

I took an animation class while in film school. I liked it plenty.

I use to read CartoonBrew daily just because it seemed to be connected with the industry. I like their stance on dearth of hand drawn animation in the US.

If you love animation, then you can do no wrong than by visiting today’s link.

Link of the Day [5.10.08]

If every year a Pixar film had to go up against a Studio Ghibli film for the Best Animated Film Oscar, I think Pixar would lose. It’s not that Pixar’s films are not the best, but that they seem to lack the maturity towards storytelling and to the story that you find in a Studio Ghibli film.

I can honestly say that Studio Ghibli’s films rank higher than most Pixar films in my book, the exception being the phenomenal, The Incredibles.

Again, I am sending you to a Japanese only site. Sorry. If you want to know more about Studio Ghibli, but in English, google.

Link of the Day [5.09.08]

Aaron Hillegass has probably done the most to promote Cocoa, the Mac OS
X framework. I've taken his class at the Big Nerd Ranch which was an
awesome week. The third edition of "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" is
coming out soon. If you are interested in becoming a Mac developer or
an iPhone developer, this is the book for you. I'm thinking of upgrading to this, but it will be strange to have 4 of
the same books at home.