Link of the Day [2.18.19]

I’m sort of in agreement with this list of best french fries. The vast middle I don’t care about, but there are several there that deserve mentioning.

First is first place, Five Guys. Agreed. Last is In-N-Out. Agreed for the same reason that putting junk on it doesn’t absolve it from being terrible.

Also agreed with curly fries from Arby’s. And also with the diss of the dumb waffle “fries” from Chik-Fil-A. If I wanted potato chips, I would’ve bought potato chips!

Link of the Day [1.13.19]

Another year, another year of “Link of the Day!” Perhaps I will find something better with my time. Maybe…

There are a set of films that I believe have described my life. “Office Space” is one of them. Both when I was a server at some shlock place like Tchotkes or working at IniTech, this film speaks to me.

I remember catching it with the Shore Studios crew. We did not laugh one bit during the show. It took video and us maturing to see how funny it was.

I really miss the Shore Studios crew.

Link of the Day [11.01.18]

I know you’re saying to yourself, “BrowserMetrics, it’s kind of late in the day for a link to visit, dontcha think?”  

Sure.  Sure.

But any time is a good time to talk about ramen.

Tonight’s link takes us to the introduction post for a series by the now non-anonymous, Ramen Lord, as he tells us what we’re gonna learn about making ramen.  I’m not sure I want to make ramen, but reading his take makes me more appreciative of cooking a good bowl of ramen.

I’m hungry.  I feel like a bowl of…