Link of the Day [5.18.17]

Filipinos are a funny lot — queer in the original sense of the word. Lots of things to ponder about the culture. Things that have developed from years of colonialism. Things that have developed from years of Catholicism. Things that have developed from the inequality between the land owners and the workers.

It is like that. Sometimes we forget. We get reminded about it once in awhile.

Link of the Day [12.04.11]

I’ve always wanted to do try a series of posts related to holiday themed television shows. The AVClub has beat me to it. I seem to link to the AVClub every so often especially to their series of posts centered around a topic. This one is called the AVClub Advent Calendar highlighting holiday episodes of television shows. I had to post about this because the latest one features Northern Exposure, a beloved favorite of mine. If NewsRadio is my all time favorite comedy, Norther Exposure is my all time favorite dramady. The X-Files? It’s my all time favorite paranoia show.

If I was to do a series of holiday shows, I know I would be diving into Northern Exposure’s list of episodes. I want a girl who can appreciate the melancholia in this show.