Quote of the Day [2.27.09]

“This is a very strange love affair.”


“Maybe the fact that you don’t love me.”

Alicia Huberman (Ingrid Bergman) speaking to Agent Devlin (Cary Grant), Notorious

Quote of the Day [9.13.08]

I bet you wondered how I knew
About your plans to make me blue
With some other guy that you knew before
Between the two of us guys
You know I love you more.

Marvin Gaye, “Heard It Through the Grapevine”

School Rumble #281

Finally. After a couple of very weak chapters, School Rumble comes back to the main reason to read it: Eri v. Yakumo. The previous chapters had Eri and Harima finally making a couple, at least a pretend one. It seemed that Yakumo was out of the picture. She’s back in. Onigiri is on!

I’m conflicted because it seemed to be that Yakumo gave up, so I was somewhat happy that Eri won. Yet, damn I can’t give up on Yakumo. Go quiet girl! Go!

Also, the scans were cleaned up better and it looks better too.

Quote of the Day [7.07.08]

Sometimes I dream with open eyes,
I dream of falling in love.

To be in love
Must be the sweetest feeling that a girl can feel
To be in love…
To live a dream
With somebody you care about like no one else.
A special man… A dearest man
Who needs to share his life with you alone.
Who’ll hold you close and feel things
That only love brings
To know that he is all your own

To be my love,
My love must be much more than any other man
To be my love…
To share my dream
My hero, he must take me where no other can
Where we will find a brand new world
A world of things we’ve never seen before
Where silver suns have golden moons
Each year has thirteen Junes
That’s what must be for me…
To be in love…

To Be in Love, Lynn Minmei

I”s Volume 15

These pages make me happy and sad. Go on. Break her heart. It’s the only thing to do.

Well, I just finished Masakazu Katsura’s I”s a second time. Yes, I read it a while ago on OneManga, but decided to read it again because Borders had all 15 volumes ready to be purchased. And so I did. It’s still an amazing read.

Ichitaka Seto is a fool in love with his classmate, Iori Yoshizuki. He’s also have to fend off the advances of Itsuki Akiba and Izumi Isozaki while hoping he doesn’t fall for Aiko Asou. You know, standard harem fare. But true love finds a way.

Ichitaka is a fool. He should’ve said something earlier, but then we wouldn’t have had 15 volumes to read. Iori is cute as a button, but needs to express her love for him as well. It’s damn near amazing that they did get together in the end. Itsuki and Izumi are there as road blocks. He’s a fool for entertaining them. Aiko almost, almost made it impossible for this story to have a happy ending. But the fool becomes the prince and makes Iori’s day.

I am a sucker for this story. And I am glad I read it a second time. Purchased it to help further getting stupid, sappy crap like this made. More, please, because it warms my heart.


School Rumble 278

School Rumble chapter 278 is pushing Harima and Sawachika closer and closer together. Darn. The noromo in me hates it. The onigiri follower in me hates it, too. Yet it was inevitable.

Save her Harima! You’re our only hope!

The Love Triangle

So, as you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been watching a lot of anime (and reading plenty of manga). You would think that I would stick to the tried and true big robot genre. Yet, I am digging any of the romance stuff, both comedy and dramas. It’s not as silly or girly as you think because most of the ones I’ve seen and read stick are targeted at Japanese males. I’m staying away from the shojo anime for now.

The story lines for them all follow the similar structure. Love is unrequited. The dream girl is being sought after. Then a third (or more) enters the fray to create the drama and tension for the series. A couple will emerge from the triad, but their story is circuitous.

If these anime were american, one of the three would be an idiot or shrew or jerk or milquetoast. He or she would not be worthy and the screenwriters spend their time highlighting that fact. The dream one will be almost perfect. You’ll end up rooting for the perfect couple to emerge disengaging the shrew/idiot/jerk in a discourteous way.

In anime/manga, the rivals for the heart of the protagonist are equally matched. They have they’re good sides and they have they’re bad sides. An argument can easily be made for either one. You end up liking both, and you can’t stand for anyone to get hurt.

I’ve been watching Kimikiss Pure Rouge, and every triad is like that. I’m pissed off, because I don’t want to see any of them hurt. Still, I know that the story must choose a couple, and I can’t help but want the shy, quiet one to be it. It’s most convenient that she is moving away though, but why must he break her heart.