Macross Frontier: The False Songstress

Macross Frontier is my favorite Macross, because the legs of the love triangle have two of my favorite idol singers in the Macross saga, Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee. Throughout the series, these two had really great songs to sing. Is there anything better than Diamond Crevasse?

Macross Frontier: The False Songstress is the film that came out just after the anime series. It was released way back in 2008 and was part one to a two part series to wrap up the Macross F saga. This was the film that sort of summed up the series. It did not do a great job at it. In fact, if you never saw the series, then you would be lost. It took all the story points of the series and condensed them. It took a few minutes from every episode, sliced them to form an incoherent movie, and let it run for about two hours.

I was really looking forward to this, but I was sorely disappointed. It wasn’t helped that the showing started with 10 minutes of a blank screen. Seriously, it was a mess.

1 of 5 stars.

May’n & Nakajima Megumi – Diamond Crevasse

It’s a crying shame that we can’t get any more Macross outside of the US. We’re missing some great stuff like Macross F.

This is just a beautiful rendition of Diamond Crevasse. It wasn’t a duet, and it wasn’t strictly accompanied by a piano, but getting May’n and Megumi (the VA of Sheryl Nome and Ranka Lee respectively) to sing is just plain awesome. If you have the time and the need you should check out the concert that this is from. There’s plenty of it on YouTube so get your fingers a-clicking.

Do you remember?

You really have to dig down deep into your geek cred to get this one. In fact, you may have grown out of liking this, but you, in your inner little geek, have to admit that Macross was awesome. You’ve grown up and may have missed Macross F from which she was the “Minmei.” Now that, you’ve got to admit is awesome.

Cmd-H or F11

Mac Mini Desktop 11-19-2008
Originally uploaded by browsermetrics.
Show me your desktops.

I was wondering what your desktop looks like. Cluttered with files? Neat and pristine like the day you bought it? Weird desktop pics, funky icons, or a completely different theme? Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, commnad line?

Just show me your desktop.

So post a picture somewhere, flickr or some such, and put the link in the comment or on your blog. Let’s see what we can see.

They walk

I’m all psyched to play my imported PSP game, Macross Ace Frontier, but I don’t have a PSP. So I stop by Best Buy.

So very, very close to purchasing one, but decided against it. I had the box in hand comparing which one I should buy. Madden ’09? Gods of War? Plain black for $30 less? Ratchet & Clank? Why?

In the end, like Robert Deniro in Heat, I walked. Thirty seconds. Gone.

Turns out it was smart decision. Today was the quiet release of an updated PSP: the PSP 3000. You can get it in that Ratchet & Clank bundle. I’ll just wait for the non-bundled one next month. Meanwhile, I’m brushing up on my kanji.

Anime question of the day [8.27.08]

Who needs a remake of Robotech when we have Macross Frontier to watch?

Just release it in the US already. Quit with the lawsuits and give us our US blue ray discs of Frontier. I’ll also buy the original Macross.