Macross Frontier OP ep 17

Ranka-chan! The Super Dimension Cinderalla! Doesn’t this look like a completely different anime? Is it out of place? The song does grow on you though, and the dances.

Link of the Day [8.20.08]

Macross Frontier is the latest iteration of the Macross anime. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the release of the first Macross saga, the franchise goes back to all the hallmarks of the first one. The love triangle is there. The city on a spaceship is there. The mecha is there. The drama is there. And the singing. Boy, howdy, the singing!

When you watch it, you will recognize the plot beats that Macross Frontier mimics from the original. Yet, the milieu has been changed. I’ve been watching a lot of anime and the ones made today are vastly different than those of the 80s. For one thing, I don’t remember there being so much fan service in the original Macross. There was that one shower scene, but no fascination with boobs. Macross Frontier, while not overt about it, doesn’t shy away from fan service. And moe seems to have creeped into this one. Girls with glasses, maids, nekomimi, absolute territory: they’re there. Still, I wonder if its because I watch a lot of current anime that I notice these things or are they really embedded in the show.

The songs are also a nice touch, but not knowing the Macross universe too well, I don’t know if they are singing a new song or something from the previous stuff. It’s good to listen to, but I wonder which ones to download for my anime playlist.

Macross Frontier

Watch it! Watch it now.

If you don’t like my suggestions for anime because they lean too much towards romantic comedies for guys, and you are more interested in mecha, then watch Macross Frontier. It’s that good.

The story is extremely similar to the original. A young brash kid joins up with the military to fly a veritech fighter. He’s caught in a love triangle with the older lady and the young singing ingenue. He’s got the Skull Squadron leader giving him hell. He’s got two buddies who back him up wherever he goes.

But the mecha. It rocks. I want one of those VF-25, but as a transformable figure. With the armor on it.