Link of the Day [1.24.24]

I write this on a MacBook Pro, one of the latest forms of the Apple Mac. It’s been 40 years since its introduction back in 1984. Once again that iconic of years reminds us of the iconic introduction commercial. So let’s all celebrate the Apple Macintosh.

30 Years And Computing

Apple is celebrating 30 years of the Macintosh. It’s a neat site, because you participate by entering which was your first Mac and what did you do with it.

My first Mac was the PowerBook 140, the beginning of my fascination with their laptops. I’m planning to get their latest MacBook Pro with Retina Display, but I’m waiting for the right time. It seems like I’m always waiting for the right time with Apple.

After the PowerBook 140 came the PowerBook 190 five years later. Then came the TiBook another seven years during which I wanted but never could buy a desktop Mac. My first one was a Mac Mini… I’ll keep waiting and waiting for a better desktop…

Here’s to another 30 more years of the Mac and to Apple.

More Sadly Mac

Took the MBP to MacMedics because she has to get fixed. I think I should just get a new one.

She was starting to report drive issues when I hooked up DiskUtility to her. That can’t be good. Hopefully, this cloned drive is good and I can restore it to as it was before she got sick.

My suggestion to you. Backup. Backup. Backup.

Sadly Mac

Who's got the juice?

MacBook Pro is weezing and injured.

The laptop on the left lost its display last Tuesday. I’ve been connecting to it via screen sharing, but even that is going. It takes two or three boots before it displays itself on the network. When I mounted it as a firewire drive, it complained that the drive was bad. Running DiskUtility on it and DiskUtility wants me to copy as much off the disk as possible and reformat.

I’ve Carbon Copy Cloned her drive, but haven’t tested if the copy was good. Fingers are crossed that the back up went well, because I’m going to have to try and get her fixed up. Or maybe its time for a new laptop. A new MacBook Pro with an SSD drive!

Link of the Day [7.21.11]

I did purchase Lion last night and currently in the middle of the download. Actually, I’m nowhere near the middle as my pocky, slow-ass DSL will take a few days to pull in the full 3+ GB file. That’s one strike against it. Only when the US internet speeds are decent will digital downloads be awesome.

Anyhow, if it’s a new version of OS X, then it’s time for the Ars Technica data dump/review. If you played around with Lion, read it and see if it matches your experience. If you haven’t, read it and see if it gets you to upgrade.

Now back to my download…. {I’ll see you in a couple of days…}

Docket Lion

Screen shot 2011-07-20 at 11.17.36 PM

Purchased Lion for the MacIntel Mini. Downloading it as we speak. On DSL. This will take a few days.

It took a couple of days to get Disappearance and that was a good 3+ GB torrent. Why’d I do it. I have no idea, but for $25 I think it may be worth it for a major upgrade to OS X.

When’s Liger coming out?

Link of the Day [4.20.11]

Just bought one of these SSD drives from OWC. I’m using as my storage disk for music and photos. Or rather, I am planning to use it, but like the last hard drive I bought, I haven’t gone through the steps to break down both media libraries and transfer them to that drive.

Yup, it’s a network drive hanging off the Airport Express. I chose an SSD drive so that I don’t have to worry about spinning disc failure. I, also, want to connect it to Mobile Me and Back To My Mac so that I can access it from the road. Yet, I can’t really figure out how that all works. I have yet to successfully log onto my Mini from outside the house. I’m even having trouble with logging onto it via remote desktop while I am home.

All this network computing — it’s all ridiculous.