“And this one, ‘I have doobie in my funk,’ which I assume is some sort of reference to the Parliament Funkadelic song, ‘Chocolate City.'”

The Seed gets a Mac Mini hoping to get his mom all excited about the future.

Good luck to that.

I doubt that Tita Mina will ever want to get the hang of computers. Why should she? She’s got The Seed in the basement to do that for her.

My mom is almost computer savvy. She can do email, and surf the web. But get her to do something like post her pictures online and that won’t happen. She knows about computers. She’ll only know as much as needed. She doesn’t even know the difference of quitting a program and closing a window. She lives in the Windows world. O, well, at least she’s online.

Know if only I wasn’t tech support.

Happy iCal Day

Almost forgot. It’s iCal day! Did you put your mac under your pillow to receive warm Apple Inc. goodness.

Now the calendar on my iPhone matches the one on my macs, Dorthonion and Doriath!

More Room Than All My Drives Combined

Looking for storage solutions for my computers at home, I settled on this external hard drive. 500 GB of space! Like the title suggests, this drive is more space than all the computers sitting in my house currently have combined!

What to do?

Partition it? Should I break it down into smaller logical spaces? Most of my computers are already partitioned. I’m afraid that I may need to save a 300 GB file.

Start back ups? Eh. I’m not too worried about losing data. Yet.

Re-install Tiger, 10.4? Booting off the fire wire would be cool. But why?

It’s a lot, but I really would’ve liked to put this on the network as a network drive. The solution to that would be this, but that’s another expense. I tried looking at this, but it would’ve forced me to use a weird PC file system. Complicated.

IniTech Employees Revolt!

Why, oh why, am I stuck at my job at IniTech? Because I’m a pussy. Look at the
cool shit I can be using if I was an indy Mac developer. I suck.

This is just a rant to get you to notice that MacBook Pros have been upgraded to the Core Duo. MMmmm. Can you smell what Apple is cooking?

Free Software for the Mac Community

The fine folks at MacZOT and TheCodingMonkeys will award $105,000 in Mac Software. The free software they’re giving out is the wonderful text editor, SubEthaEdit from CodingMonkeys. You must participate in BLOGZOT 2.0 on MacZOT.com to join in on the fun.

SubEthaEdit is a collaborative text editor. You and you’re coding friends can practice pair programming using this text editor. I’ve always wanted to give it a try, so go over there, help the Mac community get some free software, and participate in BLOGZOT 2.0.

Drunk on Vista

Cringely hears from a friend who heard from Microsoft engineers that IntelMacs will run Windows Vista so fast that there will be no need for OS X. Here’s the scoop:

The story came to me, as many do, from a reader. He’s the night auditor at a hotel, and one evening around 2AM, found across from his Front Desk seven somewhat intoxicated Microsoft engineers who wanted to order morning wakeup calls. They started talking and my reader asked if Intel Macs would ever run Windows? That’s all it took to start a 20-minute presentation (obviously prepared and long-practiced) on that exact subject, how Intel Macs will run Windows Vista very well, thank you. Not only that, but the Microsoft engineers were convinced Vista would be so superior that nobody would need OS X again.

Notice that these dudes were drunk. There is no way Apple would abandon OS X. They will make it sleeker, faster, more secure, easier to program and better UI design before Windows Vista arrives in 2007.

Why would I also want to pay for all new apps? Look at the pro apps make makes: Final Cut Pro, Aperture. Have these been ported to Windows yet? Does windows offer the same functionality as OS X? Can windows offer the same types of programming styles that OS X? Tiger was marketed as Longhorn before Longhorn has arrived. Look at the iLife suite. Besides iTunes, are there ports of GarageBand, iMovie, iPhoto even iWeb coming soon? So if, Apple abandons OS X to be these great (and free at time of purchase) apps must be replaced or you the consumer is taking a step back in functionality.

Cringely has lately been believing that Apple is going to be the next greatest Windows OEM vendor. Why sell shit? OS X will not be dead in a long while. Plus, do you know how many developers that would just piss off?

Dull little boxes, dutifully peforming dull little tasks

MacIntel Ad

Another topic we discussed in tonight’s class was the question if “computers inspire creativity?”

Once again the Windows consultants in class said no. They couldn’t ever imagine a computer helping someone be creative. I pity their outlook in life. Why would anyone ever use Windows if this was the case?

One of them said that, while there are software programs that help you create things, computers do nothing to inspire creativity. He said that photoshopping is nothing like painting and that computers are for performing various drudgw work.

I wanted to snap, “Get a Mac!” That will show you the endless possibilities of being creative. Break those chains and get a mac. You don’t know what you’re missing.

Computers are tools. Software programs are tools. In the artist’s hands, these tools can do amazing things. Look at digital animation. That is creative! I think that using them will ignite the creative side of you. You never know until you’ve tried.

This is why I like the Mac platform. There are endless inspiring programs coming out for it. I believe the indy Mac developer world is just like the indy film world of the eighties. It is ready to go big time. If it could just change the developers that are like that Windows consultant, then Apple could rule the world. I think that day is coming.

Daring Fireball says it all

Once again John Gruber has done his latest roundup of the doings at MacWorld Expo 2006. He always says things that make sense. I particular like how he notes that iWork had no major improvements. Great. I just bought it. For the 3D graphs.