
Hello to all those visiting. It seems that my blog here is finally looking to generate some traffic. For all those commenters how the heck did you end up here? I know that virtually no one reads this blog (hey Walt! Hey Gerry!).

Please post how you got here in the comments. I sure do appreciate it.

That didn’t turn out the way I wanted

Boy that post below just doesn’t fit in this window hunh?

Well, NewsRadio Quote Month is over. Thank god! I was getting tired of the length of my titles. I hope you enjoyed them. If you like the show, please buy the DVD for seasons 1 and 2, so that they will release the rest of the seasons. I want more NewsRadio.

“Because I’m neither Japanese, 14 years old nor a girl.”

Welcome to the first post of September or as I like to call it, News Radio quote month here at BrowserMetrics. Like I said before, I want to use this schtick to highlight the great mid-nineties show News Radio, and to help my writing/blogging.

What should the first post be? I’ll make it about News Radio. If you don’t know about it check out the entry here on IMDB. Or read a fascinating article of the characters’ inter-relationship here (PDF) found at this site, Hopefully that will get you started on your quest to learn all about this great sitcom. And if you really want to see it, you can catch it on the Bio Channel at 11:00 PM EST or check your local TV Guide for details.

(No this will not become a site dedicated to this show. Just want to throw a little appreciation its way.)

Site search

Blogger just added a neat-o tool bar up top. It has a site search. That’s good, so I just commented out the Google search in the sidebar. Use it to search my site for some more of my posts.


I must apologize to the few readers of this blog. I haven’t been posting lately, because I am too lazy. Plus I am trying to write an essay for a graduate school application and it is taking up my time. I can only focus on one writing assignment at a time.

Once that essay is done (hopefully tonight) I’ll resume my regular schedule. About 3 times a week.

Missing posts

Posting has been slow of late. There are many reasons. First, I usually blog from my PC at home, but have been using the laptop more. Second, I suck at it. My writing style hasn’t emerged effectively and I can’t seem to carry a thought for more than a few sentences. Finally, I still don’t know what I want to blog about. Politics? Movies? My life? I hope to decide in the near future. So for all my readers, I apologise for the sporadic posts. Sorry.

Learning to Blog

I noticed that most of my posts do not contain links to something of interest. In other words, my posting habits are not driven by something I have read on the internet. I seem to be doing this blogging thing wrong. Well, let me fix that habit. At, you will find interesting history about the Apple Macintosh by some of the designers and developers who contributed to the project. It is very interesting reading if you love the Mac.


As you can see, I’m trying to make things a little sane here. I have begun a “blogroll” over to the right. These are my usual reads, the couple of blogs I read at the start of my day over coffee. I guess in this day an age blogs have replaced the morning paper. I plan on adding more, and if I do, I am thinking about categorizing them. I don’t just read political blogs. I don’t want to give the impression that that is all I read. I read other types, but the political blogs are the ones that I can remember their URLs. Perhaps a syndication reader would help.

Anyway, I’m trying.

Okay, here we go.

Continuing to write entries is a trying thing. I keep struggling trying to figure out what I want to write about. Should it be political? I read a lot of political blogs, but I never commented on anything I read. I felt that I was not ready to have my opinions critiqued. Should it be personal? I don’t even sign these posts with my real name. How can I open up and give a glimpse of myself to strangers?

It seems that these early posts will be about my problems in finding something to write about. Does anyone have suggestion?