“Striking?” “Pretty with a big nose.”

Link of the Day [9.01.09]

Hey! Hey! It’s NewsRadio Quote Month. I’ve changed my approach to it. While not all posts this month will be titled with NewsRadio quote. The Links of the Day will. That means at least 30 more NewsRadio quotes to make you laugh! You’ll love it. Then you’ll go down to your local B&N or Borders (or if you’re the seed, to Amazon.com) and pick up all five seasons of this show. Trust me. You’ll love ’em.


Here we go!


Must post something

I’m getting bored with my link of the day/quote of the day posts, but find them very satisfying as they make me keep up the churning of the blog. I’m hoping to get to the end of the year with this style, but only seeing titles in my RSS feed of link/quote of the day is boring.

I’m hoping you readers click through the links and visit the sites I post. I’m also hoping you like the quotes I dredge up. Next month is NewsRadio Quote Month and I am still deciding if the titles will be quotes or just the quote of the day be quotes from the greatest comedy show of all time. I still haven’t delved into the post Phil Hartman years.

Anyway, just had to post something to break up the monotony of the titles. Although this one isn’t that great. Perhaps, I should start twittering.

30,000 hits

Sometime over the weekend, maybe Saturday night or Sunday morning, this blog went over the 30,000 hits. Now, this is just since I installed the statcounter counter in 2006. This blog has been going on much longer than that, but I doubt that I had hit half that many.

So, unofficially I am saying that we’re at 50,000 hits, but officially, as the statcounter says, we’re just past 30,000.

Thanks to you for making me surpass this milestone. I hope you keep reading and commenting. Thanks for those looking for cool lampshades, Doobie Keebler, News Radio Quotes, School Rumble #283, Tascha Yar naked, Oksana Akinshina naked, and many other search terms that lead you here. Without you, I couldn’t have made it this far.

Chinese Spam Engine

I always wondered how spammers filled their spam email with snippets of text. You’ve read it. It defeats your spam blocker with the random text, and when you read it it almost makes sense. Almost.

So now my Annie Hall review is infamous. It’s probably clogging up the internet pipes as we speak. More interesting is if I ever receive it back.

Can anyone decode the unicode text and tell me what it means?

Here it is in full: (with additional line breaks added by me)
Beijing China

Night shade

This post should be about me being up this early or staying up late, but it is not.

It’s about writing and writers who make their doing some work as

They get up in the middle of the night or early in the morning to post things.



Turning Japanese

The previous post is a test of your system. I just wanted to see if that Japanese characters would show up on your browser.

It works for all my Macs. I just love that.

At work, the computer at my desk chokes on that and I get nothing but empty squares or some other junk. The computer I use in the lab renders the kanji well. I posted that quote from there. It’s interesting to see it, too, a cut and paste job from a browser into an email. I was surprised XP kept up.

Anyway, here’s the translation for those interested. It’s the first verse.

Link of the day [4.15.08]

Happy tax day. At least that is what my iCal is telling me today is.
Hope you got a refund.Anyway I'm starting a new item which I'm calling "link of the day,"
which is a link I think you should visit. It may be cool. It may be
interesting. It may be thought provoking. Or it may be none of these.
All I want you to do is click on the link. (I should just join google
ad words.)Today's link is to my googleReader shared items. I keep trying to get
you to use a RSS feed reader. I use googleReader and it allows me to
denote a good blog item from my regular reads as well as share them with
others. http://www.google.com/reader/shared/13986059648041625896

All your bases

As a packrat, reading the tips on Unclutterer scares me.

What if I needed that?

What if I have want to remember that?

What if I may use that again?

Perhaps we should have some kind of life lending library. Stuff on loan for you to use, but return in a week when you get bored with it.

Recent Keyword Activity for March 2008

It’s always good for a post to check referers. I’ll just pick the recent ones and comment. Simple and effective. Plus then I start my own google bomb to get these to the top. Very self-referential and weird!

NY escort kottke: Must be wondering what kottke thinks about Gov. Spitzer resigning or even looking for some special service.

apple unboxing: Looking for some great computer porn.

oksana akinshina naked: What’s a week without this search term?

when love is unrequited the whole world is crap: Searches for NewsRadio quotes drive traffic here.

doobie keebler: ditto

ellen page show me love: Is she making the English remake? I hope she isn’t? She’s too sassy for an Agnes.

cool lamp shades: I keep meaning to get me some.

8-bit video game music: Sounds cool!

negative about monte pego: Can’t think of any. Oh, here’s one: it’s too far away right now. Darn.

That’s it for today. There’s no naked Oksana Akinshina here! Look for Oksana Akinshina naked here!