Me neither

Your Birthdate: September 18

You are a cohesive force – able to bring many people together for a common cause.
You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too.
Beyond being a good leader, you are good at inspiring others.
You also keep your powerful emotions in check – you know when to emote and when to repress.

Your strength: Emotional maturity beyond your years

Your weakness: Wearing yourself down with too many responsibilities

Your power color: Crimson red

Your power symbol: Snowflake

Your power month: September

This is wrong. Except for September!

(hat tip to Margeaux)

It’s the new style!

I did a quick write-up on the changes at BrowserMetrics early this morning, but I don’t think it does justice to, if at all mentions, the design process I went through. After most design/development, I feel it productive to have a postmortem where the process and the product are evaluated for the good and bad of it.

Layout and CSS
In the late 90s, I worked in a web design company helping to churn out pages for lame ass businesses. We did everything with tables. This layout doesn’t use any of that. It is purely CSS driven. I am proud of that. I took me some time to find out how it works. Now that I do know how it does, I want to tweak this layout some more.

My last template centered everything in two small tidy columns that didn’t fill all the entire screen. I wanted to try to use the screen to its fullmost. First, the content area of the posts needed to be larger. It now sits fixed to the left size with a generous width. Notice, that when you enlarge the browser window that the posts don’t change size. That’s what I was going for.

The sidebar I wanted to consolidate. It was too cluttered especially my blogroll. I changed this by trying to shrink the lengths of the lists. Notice that more than one link happens per line.

I knew I wanted a black background. This is to validate BlueRyder’s idea that this blog is dark. Just kidding. Black looks so much cooler or at least a non-white background. Non-white is my text editor at work’s colors for documents. It’ll make it easier to blog at work. Just kidding, again.

The color scheme I chose is mainly black and orange. Unfortunately, this is also the colors for the hometown birds. I have wanted to try out this color scheme out a long time ago, but never had a decent opportunity.

Did you know that the text isn’t purely white? It’s slightly yellow and it compliments the black.

The links are a subtle orange which also compliments the darker main orange color. It’s not the bright one I am used too, but I like it. I hope you too.

Sidebar Tricks
Check out the cache section which is autoatically generated via Blogger tags. I print especially via some javascript.

Mainly the javascript is used to add the ‘|’ after each link printed. For the archive links, I had to create a column effect with javascript. It’s basically every third link I don’t print the ‘|.’ So there’s some programming done here. I wonder if it is taking some time to do this. Perhaps some performance checks needed to executed for those who are still on dialup.

What I like
The layout. The colors. A new blog.

What I don’t like
The CSS. The lack of a proper footer (I wanted another grey bar to rest at the bottom.

New Layout

Since moving to the new, non-beta blogger, I had been wanting to update the site template. I don’t like the new templates offered, so I stuck with the old style blogger tags. I don’t get all the cool functionality that the new blogger offers, but that’s a trade-off I can learn to live with. It was a design decision.

In this new template, I learned all about Cascading Style Sheets and the old blogger template tags. The style sheet for this new layout is messy. It could probably be tighter, as could the layout.

Maybe sometime in the future I will learn the new blogger template stuff, but until then I hope they don’t change the old template tags.

Please let me know what you think of the design. Let me know if using the sight is intuitive. And please let me know if some things don’t work.

Leave feedback in the comments.

Pleine de Poisson

French Kiss

Kate: Do you believe in love? The kind that lasts forever?
Luc: I loved my mother.
Kate: No, everyone loves their mother. Even people who say they hate their mothers love their mothers. My question is, one man for one woman?
Luc: It is not a very interesting question. It is the question of a little girl who still believes in fairy tales.


Hanging in my room used to be a advert ripped from TransWorld Skateboard Magazine. It was about labels and how they are meant to define you. Yet as a skater you were supposed to transcend them and be above being labeled. Why am I joining the megachurch of labels? There’s a few that I have created. I am still on the old blogger template so I don’t know how to add them to my blog as normal links. Just rummage through my archive and you will see them added to the posts that I could label.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


Nothing written. Except this blog post. Shit!

Why I procrastinate

I so much want to be better writer. When faced with the blank sheet of paper or the empty new document, I seize up. My brain has millions of things it wants to write down, but my fingers only type things that are not exactly as the brain has thought. I started blogging to help me write. If you notice, not all of it is good. A lot of it is bad. I try to be a better writer, but can’t. So I don’t. That is my procrastination source.