Bookstore Haul: Vol 15 Pays to Be A Member

Barnes and Noble is having their bi-annual Criterion Collection sale. That means 50% off any and all Criterion DVDs and BluRays. It’s the best time to stock up on any of the Criterion Collection that you’ve been salivating for. You can wait for few months, mark and spy on which you’ll get, then buy, buy, buy once the sale hits.

I usually buy a few even though I’ve seen most all of the collection I want to see or own. If they find any new Ozu, I’ll be there. But there are no more Ozu. So I’ll make due when something comes along that intrigues me.

But let me get to the big thing. I just bought 2 Criterion Collection BluRays for cheap because of the sale. I mean I got the hookups. Check this out: not only the 50% sale and the 10% membership discount, but also the 15% off one item coupon. So I saw that the Lone Wolf and Cub box set came out. It usually cost $100, but applying all those discounts which finally amounted to a $39 deal. Now it didn’t add up to 75% but that is really good for a Criterion BluRay box set considering that the other disc I bought, Mulholland Dr., sticker price was $40. That disc I got for $18!

So it pays to have been a member of the B&N club. That $25 a year always saves me more than that if you look at the last few Bookstore Hauls. Those are only the few I started to write about. There have been tons more than that…

Lone Wolf and Cub BluRay box set
Mulholland Dr. BluRay

Link of the Day [1.24.14]

Awesome inside story on everyone’s favorite 90s bromedy, Swingers. I know that it received most if its notoriety on video, but I can’t help and say that I saw it on its limited theatrical run through Baltimore. I know you’ve heard me talk about catching it in the theatre, but it was an awesomely, hilarious time…

I read a review in Entertainment Weekly about Swingers. I kept waiting for it to show up in a movie theatre around town. Finally, it was playing at the Rotunda. I was a shiftless slacker doing nothing but school and waiting tables, so I was able to catch a mid-week matinee.

There was not many people watching it. It was me, three or four business men, another couple, and a college coed. Now the Rotunda was a small movie palace about twenty rows of ten or so seats. I sat a third of the way in, and laughed all the way through. I keep looking around, but I was the only one who got it. And that’s why I thought it was the greatest film.

I tried to get others to watch, but the movie was gone. Only when it made a splash on home video did people finally realize how awesome a film it is. It is the 90s for me.

Good times. Good film. Next, I’ll tell you about catching Office Space on opening night in a packed theatre filled with silence…



Take a look at this $5 bill. It’s from 1963. That’s almost fifty years old. Should I spend it or keep it? It’s like those $2 bills you occasionally get. They’re so strange that you have to hold onto it for a bit, and eventually, you don’t know if you’ll ever spend it. I’ve been holding onto this bill for a week. I may hold onto it longer. I like how it’s red rather than the standard green. That’s what made me notice that this bill is different.

Quote of the Day [4.08.09]

“You take yourself out of the game, you start talking about puppy dogs and ice cream and of course it’s going to end up on the friendship tip.”

Trent (Vince Vaughn), “Swingers”

Quote of the Day [4.06.09]

“It’s like, you wake up every day and it hurts a little bit less, and then you wake up one day and it doesn’t hurt at all. And the funny thing is, is that, this is kinda weird, but it’s like, it’s like you almost miss that pain.”

Rob (Ron Livingston), “Swingers”

Quote of the Day [4.05.09]

“213-555-4679. That’s it. I just wanna leave my number. I didn’t want you to think I was weird or desperate, or… we should just hang out and see where it goes cuz it’s nice and, y’know, no expectations. Ok? Thanks a lot. Bye bye.”

Mike (Jon Favreau), “Swingers”

Quote of the Day [4.02.04]

“Mmmm… see, that’s the thing, is somehow they know not to come back until you really forget.”

Rob (Ron Livingston), “Swingers”