Sick sick bit just can’t quit
Working that nostalgia trip after looking at these photos. This 311 song was on the soundtrack of that young dude’s life. Fourteen years but a million miles away.
Music Videos to lighten your day
Working that nostalgia trip after looking at these photos. This 311 song was on the soundtrack of that young dude’s life. Fourteen years but a million miles away.
You sometimes need Sabbath! I went searching for their second album on iTunes, but found to my misfortune that it hasn’t been released for digital download. I also checked Amazon, found that to be true, and then headed off to Best Buy to purchase the CD. They don’t sell any more CDs at Best Buy though, because the music section has shrunk dramatically. I ended up getting it at Record and Tape Traders.
Anyway, I ended up on YouTube watching people play on Rock Band or Guitar Hero and thought that you, too, could use some Sabbath. You sometimes need Sabbath!
You’re probably already sick of this song, but here’s the video. Much, much fun.
Was listening to the several of the covers on AV Club Undercover, and found some enjoyment with this cover of M.I.A’s “Paper Planes.” I liked the Telecaster and I liked the violins. I liked the fact that it’s a cover a tune that makes use of a loop from an 8-bit version of the Clash’s “Straight To Hell.” That’s music in this day and age.
Mio singing is always my favorite. But still, not as good as the previous ending.
A Life Less Ordinary was on FMC last night.
The first few bars of this song instantly transported me to 1998.
Man. I was sad. So long ago and another lifetime. Was that really me? I don’t think I can ever get back there to that person.
Lynn Minmei, you drive me crazy! Actually I was more a Lisa Hayes kind of guy.
More music from Seven Samurai in honor of Akira Kurosawa’s 100th birthday. I think this was from the attack on the brigands base. That is one hell of a beat though. And does this remind anyone of the Sith?