Link of the Day [12.11.08]

Here’s a first — a link of the day that doesn’t take you anywhere. Of course, if you had a problem with any previous links of the day, then you may have thought that those took you no where, and you have already seen a BrowserMetrics link of the day that doesn’t take you anywhere, special. But I promise this link doesn’t take you anywhere of note, because it ends up at some domain name seller who is parking this domain name waiting for someone, maybe me, stupid enough to buy this domain. Get me Homer Simpson.

Quote of the Day [11.25.08]

“The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The Spacing Guild and its Navigators, whom the spice has mutated over four thousand years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space; that is, to travel to any part of the known universe without moving.”

Princess Irulan (Virginia Madsen), Dune

“I brought Foxy in to improve my productivity, and she can’t do that while Joe is teaching her bad words in Italian.”

Link of the Day [9.23.08]It's getting to be that time again. Perhaps, a new blogger template?
Or maybe a move to a real domain and my own garden in the intrawebs.
Anyway, there are some cool color palettes from a Van Gogh painting to
choose. If you don't like 'em, there's more at the main site.
Obviously, I want something in a darker theme, perhaps, "Starry Night."

“Yeah, well every man has the right to sex himself up however he seems fit, but you, you look like you belong in an amatuer porn convention.”

Link of the Day [9.16.08]

You would think a blog titled, “Lawyers, Guns and Money,” would talk about plenty of other things except naval battleships. You would be wrong. Robert Farley, while also an excellent political blogger, done a series of posts on battleships of various navies of the world. He wrote good historical information into those posts. He compares various navies use of the battleship, he writes of the glory days of the battleship, and he got me interested in building little scale models of the Imperial Japanese Navy.

I have the Yamato waiting to be built. I just need some paint.

Quote of the Day [6.25.08]

“A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.”

3rd Law of Robotics, Isaac Asimov

Quote of the Day [6.24.08]

“A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.”

2nd Law of Robotics, Isaac Asimov

Quote of the Day [6.23.08]

“A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.”

1st Law of Robotics, Isaac Asimov

Link of the Day [6.10.08]

If you aren’t reading John Gruber’s DaringFireball, then you are missing out on perceptive analysis of Apple and all Apple related issues. You should probably read his take on the Steve Jobs keynote. He’ll surprise you.