InternetExplorer 7 is ugly

At work, I upgraded to the latest Micrsoft browser for the tabbed browsing. I must say using it daily that it is the worst looking piece of software I am unfortunately using.

The tabs don’t look right. They’re flush against the content of the browser box. They don’t stand out enough to tell which tab you’re browsing.

What’s with the swap of the application menus and the location bar? Is that a Vista thing and is that pretty retarded?

What’s with that toolbar for home, print and rss field? It looks lonely out there like its waiting to be used in an Office toolbar.

Why are the back buttons round, but the refresh and stop buttons square?

What is wrong with the people in Redmond? Is this the best they can do?

Keynote a-bingo!

The fine folks at ArsTechnica have just released their official 2008 WWDC keynote bingo cards. Get them while they’re hot.

Steve Job’s keynote will probably hit a few of these right off the bat and I think that someone is going to call out bingo in the hall.

While the game is cool and all the poster created for it is awesome. It’s a tweak on the infamous Wired article of ten years ago.

Apple on the ropes

Wired advocated for dismantling Apple then. Yet, here we are today and the company is at the vanguard of personal computing and electronic gadgets. Ha! Ha! And it would look like the keynot will introduce even more cool gadgets that’ll have the rest of the world trying to catch up. Good luck!

Quote of the Day [5.23.08]

And Thingol answered: ‘What of your quest, and of your vow?’
But Beren said: ‘It is fulfilled. Even now a Silmaril is in my hand.’
Then Thingol said: ‘Show it to me!’
And Beren put forth his empty left hand, slowly opening its fingers; but it was empty. Then he held up his right arm; and from that hour he named himself Camlost, the Empty-handed.

The Tale of Beren and Luthien, The Silmarillion, J.R.R. Tolkien

Link of the Day [5.09.08]

Aaron Hillegass has probably done the most to promote Cocoa, the Mac OS
X framework. I've taken his class at the Big Nerd Ranch which was an
awesome week. The third edition of "Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X" is
coming out soon. If you are interested in becoming a Mac developer or
an iPhone developer, this is the book for you. I'm thinking of upgrading to this, but it will be strange to have 4 of
the same books at home.

Sputnik 50

Tomorrow marks 50 years since the first day of the space age. Sputnik is launched into space by those damn commies, the Russians. It heralded man emerging as a space faring traveller. We’ve been to the moon. We’ve sent satellites to the outer reaches of the galaxy. Yet, we still haven’t figured out how to love each other on this earth.

For all the good science does, it still reminds us how alien we are to each other.

We need Vulcans!

What’s in a name?

With the acquisition of the big ass hard drive and of Margaux’s new Mac Book, it’s time to think about computer naming conventions.

You just can’t let the hardware use the default name, because it’ll look funny on the network. For instance, I have named the big ass hard drive Gondolin. As you can tell (or can’t) this is a name from Tolkien. Yes it’s geeky. Doubly so.

All the computers that I have owned have names derived from Tolkien. Let’s see. My PowerBook 190 was Luthien. My Win95 box was Beren. My wifi network is Nargothrond. The MacMini PPC is Dorthonion. The TiBook is Doriath. The Airport Express is Finrod. My shuffle is even named Tinuviel. They’re all from Tolkien, the First Age, and The Silmarillion. Told ya it was geeky.

Anyway, the only issue is how to name these computing equipment. I had tried to stick with place names for most of my Apple computers. The older stuff though took the names of my favorite characters from the Silmarillion. I should standardize it where computers are places and peripherals people, but it’s so far served me good. But at least sticking within in this naming scheme I won’t run out of names to use and it evokes some rather cool imagery of my network.

I should just name all my computers after the 12 dwarf companions of Bilbo from The Hobbit.

7 hours

.flickr-photo { border: solid 1px #000000; }.flickr-frame { float: left; text-align: center; margin-right: 15px; margin-bottom: 15px; }.flickr-caption { font-size: 0.8em; margin-top: 0px; }

7 hours
7 hours,
originally uploaded by browsermetrics.

I just wanted to post a shot from my vacation a while back. Although most of the photos are of nothing but our hikes, it’s better than getting one of all the geeks tapping away at the keyboard.

This is while I wasted time at the airport.


Comic books not the movie. Do you read them? I did up until 10 years ago. I loved the X-men. But I lost interest once work drinking got in the way.

I picked up an issue last month. I am hooked again. Can someone help me catch up? I especially like Joss Whedon’s version, Astonishing X-men. It reads good.